Hitchin Cricket Club

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Hitchin Cricket Club

Post by anthony.brown »

In the nineteenth century the Hitchin Cricket Club underwent more revivals than a Billy Graham tour. Revived again in 1864, its members formed the majority of those who joined the Hitchin Football Club in 1865. Two cricket club members in particular are noteworthy as founding members of both clubs. The Reverend John Pardoe had been a star player for leading football club Forest FC, one of the few forward players to score a hat-trick for them (if not the only one?), before his ordination as curate of Hitchin. Cecil Frederick Reid, Hitchin Club's first FA Cup captain in 1871, continued playing regularly for Wanderers FC, but, living locally near Codicote his connections to the leading lights of the Association game and home counties cricket were, no doubt, invaluable in the development of both cricket and football clubs in the town.

If anyone is interested, I will add more details.
Last edited by anthony.brown on Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

Post by RST »

These tales of yesteryear always make interesting reading Anthony.
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

Post by anthony.brown »

Referring to the 1864 revival, Reginald Hine, in his 'History of Hitchin' wrote:

It was (Frederick Peter Delme) Radcliffe again who put life into the game of cricket, which Hitchin men had been playing after a desultory fashion on Butts Close ever since archery had ceased to be. Before his day one had heard of single-wicket matches, arranged for a goodly wager, and matches between different crafts and guilds, e.g. Carpenters v. Plumbers, Tanners v. Cordwainers, and even Constables v. Citizens of Hitchin Town. Men still spoke with awe of John Hall, who with beaver hat on head had kept up his wicket against Ware for two solid summer days; of Long Amos and Joe Gatward, who could smite sixes into the standing corn beside the Bedford Road; of Isaac Spencer, who had introduced to these parts the high mystery of the round-arm delivery; of John Lines, who could stand in a bushel and throw the ball over a hundred yards.
Radcliffe gathered this scattered talent into a side, gave it his racing colours, and in 1866 provided a spacious ground, close to his mansion on Hitchin Hill, where, in spite of its aristocratic seclusion and the loss of its Cricketers Inn, the Club flourished until 1925, producing no first class players, but sportsmen famous in their day and generation like Captain Lautour, Cecil Reid, the Earl of Strathmore, George Hughes (i.e. Tom Brown), F.A.Wright, Charles Loftus Barham, Thomas Harwood Darton, H.G.S.Hughes, Jack Hughes, W.O.Vizard, William Wilson (pro),Fred Coxall, W.H.English, F.R.Shillitoe (Secretary and Treasurer for thirty years), Sid Brown (pro), E.L.Wright, Harry Williams, and R.C.Grellett.

Early references to cricket in the town:

A grand match was played at Hitchin on Wednesday last, between eleven gentlemen of that place, against eleven gentlemen of Stevenage; which was won by the latter, who after having beaten their adversaries, had six men to go in.
Northampton Mercury Saturday 27th August 1796

A grand match of cricket was played in Hartham Mead, Hertford, between eleven gentlemen of the Hitchin, and eleven gentlemen of the Hertford clubs, and was decided in favour of the Hitchin by 19 runs. The game commenced on Wednesday 6th August 1828, but owing to the unfavourable state of the weather it was put off till the next day. It was not then played out, the weather being so much against it; and Wednesday the 13th was fixed upon to decide the match. On that day the parties met and played for some hours, but the rain coming on violently, it was postponed again till the 20th, when it was played out. There were several changes in the game, and some fine play on both sides, but Hitchin had the advantage: betting, 7 to 4 on Hitchin, and many hundreds changed hands. During the game, one 'untoward' occurrence took place. In the second innings one of the Hitchin gentlemen, Mr Waller, was fairly stumped out, which he acknowledged himself; but upon its being referred to the Hitchin umpire, he hastily answered 'not out', but afterwards said 'out'. Waller took advantage of the first decision, and persisted in keeping his ground. Some altercation took place; but ultimately Hertford allowed him to keep in, and the game proceeded. Waller afterwards got nineteen runs off his own bat, and it was by this number that the match was won. Had it not been for this unlucky mistake, Hertford must have won the match.
The Cambridge and Hertford Independent Press Saturday 30th August 1828

The noble and manly game of cricket is likely to be revived in this town; F.P.Delme Radcliffe, Esq., having given prizes to be played for on Easter Wednesday by youths under 21 years of age, and further prizes to be played for in May by the members of the Senior Cricket Club.
Bucks Gazette Saturday 21st April 1832

The Hitchin Cricket Club are preparing for the approaching season in high spirits.
Mr Cooper, the landlord of the Cricketers' Inn, about half a mile from the town on the Bedford Road, has converted a large field opposite his house into a most excellent cricket ground: arrangements are making to ensure regular practice. The first match with the Chesterton Club (Cambridge) is expected to be played early in the season.
The Bucks Gazette Saturday 11th April 1835

The first practice match of the Hitchin Cricket Club took place on Monday, and will be continued every alternate Monday. The club invites the conjunction of non-resident players; and to ensure practice to those who may attend, there will be two bowlers on the ground on every other Monday (Messrs Spenser and Bent generally). This club has obtained the patronage of Lord Grimston, Hon. Edward H.Grimston, F.P.D.Radcliffe, Esq., W.Wilshere, Esq., Rev. F.Sullivan, besides several other gentlemen and promises, under such auspices, to be the first club in the county.
Bucks Herald Saturday 30th May 1835

The long-expected match between the Hitchin and Chesterton (Cambridge) cricket clubs, was played on Thursday and Friday, June 18th and 19th, at Chesterton - betting 6-4 on Hitchin; but as the Chesterton had never been beaten, many took the odds. The result fully justified the confidence expressed in the Hitchin players. The following is a statement of the game: -
First Innings 47
Second Innings 30
Total 77

First Innings 183
Total 183

The very fine bowling of Spencer and Bent, and the scientific batting of Barnett - who ran 84 runs off his own bat, were the admiration of all present, and the Hitchin won in one innings, with 106 runs to spare. The eturn match will be played on Thursday, July 16th at Hitchin.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Tuesday 23rd June 1835

The match at cricket between the Chesterton and Hitchin clubs was played in the former parish on Thursday and Friday in last week, and decided in favour of the Hitchin in one innings with 109 runs to spare. The return match will be played at the latter place on Thursday the 16th July.
Bury and Suffolk Herald Wednesday 1st July 1835

The return match between the Hitchin and Chesterton clubs was played on Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17th inst at Coopers new cricket ground, Hitchin, and was won by the Hitchin, in one innings, with 41 runs to spare.
The superior style of playing, on the part of the Hitchin, was particularly remarked upon, especially that of Messrs Jos.Hall and Gatward.
Bucks Gazette Saturday 25th July 1835

The match between the Hitchin Cricket Club and the County of Herts. was played at Hitchin on Saturday last. Owing to the unfavourable state of the weather, only nine of the gentlemen of the County played.
The following was the result of Saturday's play: -

COUNTY - First Innings
The Hon. R.Grimston, b by Spencer 5
Beauclerk, Esq., b by ditto 0
E.T.Daniell, Esq., b by ditto 7
Mr Hammond, b by Bent 11
Mr Archer, not out 20
Mr E.Bruton, b by Bent 11
Henderson, Esq., b by Gatward 4
Waddington, Esq., st by Joseph Hall 0
Mr Lacy, b by Spencer 0
Byes and wide balls, 9
Total 67

HITCHIN CLUB - First Innings
Lord Grimston, c by Hammond 0
Bent, c by Daniell 0
Barnett, b by Lacey 6
John Hall, not out 30
Joseph Hall, not out 27
Byes and wide balls, 14
Total 77

The state of the weather prevented any further play, Hitchin being ten runs ahead, with three wickets down.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Tuesday 15th September 1835

The Hitchin cricketers will commence this season by playing a match, the senior club against the junior club, to come off on 1st June.
Bucks Gazette Saturday 28th May 1836

The match of the Hitchin Senior Club is, we understand, postponed till next week - the day will be fixed on Wednesday. The prizes of the Junior Club were won by G.Robinson, W.Bobby, and J.Lane; the second prize was won by G.Gatward, but from his not belonging to the Club he was not allowed to have it.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Tuesday 31st May 1836

A grand match of cricket is to be played at Hitchin on Wednesday next, on Cooper's Cricket Ground, between the Hitchin and Kimpton Clubs. The match was made by F.P.Delme Radcliffe, Esq., and T.Brand, Esq., who are to play on their respective sides. From the known celebrity of the players great interest is excited, and we have no doubt but it will be a well contested match.
A match of cricket was played on Monday last, at the same place, between twenty-two gentlemen of the town not belonging to the club, which afforded a great deal of amusement to spectators. After the game the players retired to the Cricketers' Inn, where an excellent supper was provided by Mr Cooper.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 23rd August 1836

On Wednesday last a friendly match at cricket was played in Cooper's new cricket ground, at Hitchin, between F.P.Delme Radcliffe, Esq., with ten of the Hitchin, and the Hon.Thomas Brand, with ten of the Kimpton players. Lord Grimston and the Hon.Robert Grimston being on a visit at Mr Radcliffe's, it was proposed that they should play on the Hitchin side, to which Kimpton readily acceded.
R.Grimston, b by Smith 22
W.Rose, b by Smith 12
Lord Grimston, run out 30
Barnard, b by Smith 49
John Hall, b by Smith 28
Joseph Hall, b by Bruton 22
Gatward, not out 60
Radcliffe, c by P.Lines 1
Jackson, run out 1
Spencer, c by P.Lines 2
Lewin, c by Davies 21
Byes, 9
Wide balls 7
Total 264

Moss, run out 8
Smith, b by Rose 10
J.Lines, b by Spencer 13
James Ivory, b by Rose 3
E.Bruton, c by Jos. Hall 12
Brand, run out 2
[unfinished match]

About two o'clock the players sat down to a plentiful cold collation, which was followed by a like supply of most excellent wine, both furnished by Mr Radcliffe; they then resumed play till dark, when the Kimpton declined prosecuting the game any further. It was proposed by Mr Brand that a return match should be played on Wednesday, the 31st in Lord Dacre's park, but we regret to say, that the Kimpton players declined to accede to this old-fashioned practice. Lord Dacre and several highly respectable families attended to witness this popular amusement.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 30th August 1836

To the Editor of the Herts Reformer
Kimpton, 30th August 1836
SIR, - As a friend of fair play, I trust you will allow me to correct a paragraph which appeared in your paper last week, stating that the Kimpton cricketers refused to comply with the wish of their excellent patron, Mr Brand, in playing their return match with the Hitchin gentlemen the following week, in Lord Dacre's Park, thereby conveying an unfavourable impression of them. I beg to state that no such refusal was made; and, that there be no further misunderstanding, the Kimpton are prepared to play the return match whenever the Hitchin gentlemen may think proper to appoint.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 6th September 1836

On Wednesday's night was played on Cooper's new cricket ground, at Hitchin, a match between F.P.Delme Radcliffe, Esq., with ten of the Hitchin Club, and Thomas Brand, Esq., with ten of the Kimpton Club. The Hitchin, having scored 264 runs in their first innings, and the Kimpton only 53,with seven of their best wickets down, preferred giving up the game to a second day's play.
Mr Radcliffe, with his usual liberality, provided a splendid cold collation and wine for the whole party. It was expected a return match would be played on Wednesday next at the Hoo, but the Kimpton declined the risk of a second conquest.
On Friday last Mr Radcliffe's annual match in his park came off - Lord Grimstone, his two brothers, Mr Daniells, Mr Pryor, and other visitors to the Priory, against the players of the town of Hitchin. This is the first season the town have been able to compete successfully against Mr Radcliffe and his friends. The Priory hospitality was again manifested by an abundant supply of the choicest viands, the digestion of which was accelerated by copious draughts of the true 'Hitchin Nectar', as the malt beverage of this ancient town was denominated by Queen Elizabeth, who drew her supplies of that article from the town of Hitchin, the manor being part of the dower of the Queens of England.
Huntingdon, Bedford & Peterborough Gazette Saturday 3rd September 1836

Last week, Mr Radcliffe's annual match took place at Hitchin Priory Park. Lord Grimston, his two brothers, Mr Pryor, and other visitors at the Priory, took the field against the players of the town of Hitchin. This is the first season the town have been able to compete successfully against Mr Racliffe and his friends. After a highly interesting match, in which the good play of both sides was almost equally conspicuous, it terminated in favour of the town with seven wickets to go down.
The numbers were:
Hitchin, first innings 42, second 76 - total 118
Priory, first innings 67, second 49 - total 116
Globe Wednesday 7th September 1836

A match at Cricket will be played, on Thursday next, at Hitchin on Cooper's Ground, between the married and single players - the parties being about equally matched it will no doubt be a good game; the old 'uns have the advantage in experience, but the youngsters in activity and spirit, and from the excellent tuition some of them have received from the former, their opponents will have sharp work to beat them. We understand - the above ground is now open for any gentleman wishing to have an afternoon's practice, and they can be supplied with materials, by applying to the Cricketers' Inn.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 6th June 1837

A Cricket match will be played on Thursday next, on Cooper's Ground, at Hitchin, between the Hitchin and Markyate Street Clubs, the latter to have two given players, viz., Mr John Lines and Mr E.Bruton.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 8th August 1837

A match was played at Hitchin on Thursday and Friday last, between the Hitchin and Market Street Clubs, the latter being allowed two picked men, viz. Mr E.Bruton, and Mr J. Lines; and after some excellent play on both sides, the Hitchin Gentlemen succeeded in beating their opponents with three wickets to spare.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Tuesday 15th August 1837

The annual game in the Priory Park, Hitchin, between eleven of the town, and an eleven chosen by F.P.D.Radcliffe, Esq., will be played on Wednesday, the 30th instant. It is much wished that the weather on that day may prove favourable, as the beauty of the Park, the free access thereto, and the heretofore proved urbanity of the owner on the like occasions, render it a day of high enjoyment to the Hitchiners and the surrounding neighbourhood. The match between the Hitchin Club and the County of Hertford, is postponed for the present.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Tuesday 29th August 1837

A match was played in the Duke of Bedford's Park, Woburn, on Wednesday last, between the Woburn and Hitchin, which was won by the latter after a hard contested match, with four wickets to go down.
The Hitchin being considered the best players in the county of Hertford, and having beat the county of Bedford, the Woburn are in high spirits at having run them so close.
Northampton Mercury Saturday 13th July 1839

The following is the result of the match recently played in the Duke of Bedford's Park, Woburn, between the Woburn and Hitchin clubs, which was won by the latter.
Woburn 1st Innings
Hensman c by G.Lewin 20
Crocker hit the wicket 0
Wilson b by Jno.Hall 3
Lord C.Russell b by Rose 0
Price b by John Hall 1
Castleden c by G.Lewin 6
Phillimore b by J.Lewin 2
E.Crocker b by Rose 1
Button not out 5
Circuitt b by J.Lewin 2
Odell b by J.Lewin 0
Byes & wide balls 10
Total 50

Woburn 2nd Innings
Hensman c by Wm.Hall 16
Crocker c by G.Lewin 4
Wilson run out 14
Lord C.Russell leg before wicket 3
Price c by G.Lewin 3
Castleden leg before wicket 0
Phillimore c by Waller 0
E.Crocker c by Waller 13
Button not out 14
Circuitt run out 4
Odell stump'd by J.Hall 0
Byes & wide ball 5
Total 76

Hitchin 1st Innings
Waller b by Price 9
Jas. Lewin b by Hensman 5
Flecknoe stump'd by Button 8
G.Lewin b by Price 7
Jno. Hall leg before wicket 22
Jackson c by Wilson 9
Josh Hall b by Castleden 0
Wm. Hall c by Wilson 3
Rose run out 0
Thos. Hall c by Circuitt 1
Hunt not out 0
Byes 1
Total 65

Hitchin 2nd Innings
Waller b by Circuitt 1
Jas. Lewin 0
Flecknoe not out 5
G.Lewin b by Hensman 10
Jno. Hall leg before wicket 27
Jackson b by Circuitt 0
Josh Hall c by Lord C.Russell 4
Wm. Hall b by Hensman 2
Rose 0
Thos. Hall not out 12
Hunt 0
Byes 1
Total 62
Northampton Mercury Saturday 27th July 1839

We understand a match will be played on the Hitchin cricket ground on Thursday 22nd inst., between eleven gentlemen of the Biggleswade and eleven gentlemen of the Hitchin clubs. Wickets to be pitched at ten o'clock in the morning.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 17th July 1841

A match between eleven players of the Biggleswade club and eleven of Hitchin, was commenced on Thursday, 22nd July 1841, at the new cricket ground at Hitchin, when each side had one innings. In consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather, the second innings was postponed until the next Wednesday, when it terminated in favour of Hitchin, the numbers being -
First Innings 50
Second Innings 93
Total 143
First Innings 74
Second Innings 57
Total 131

The return match was played at Biggleswade on Wednesday and Thursday week, and terminated in favour of Hitchin with six wickets to go down. The bowling was very fine, particularly that of Spence. Owing to the unfavourable state of the weather the batting was very indifferent.
First Innings 28
Second Innings 39
Total 67
First Innings 38
Second Innings 30
Total 68
Cambridge Independent Press Saturday 14th August 1841

A match was played in Ware Park on Thursday August 3rd, between the Ware and Hitchin clubs. At the conclusion of the first day's play the Ware were 82 runs ahead with only one wicket down. The Hitchin Club then declined playing the game out, as they stated, on account of the weather. The return match was played at Hitchin on Thursday and Friday, when the Ware won the game in one innings and 66 runs to score; the bowling of Heasler was very fine throughout the match, he having no less than 15 wickets, and the batting of Messrs N.Page, Jones, Thorowgood, and Wells was equally admired. The following is the score of both games:
WARE First Innings
Campkin, st by Hall 38
Chapman, lbw 10
Page, b by Hibbert 4
Jones, run out 18
Thorowgood, b by Clisby 10
Waller, b by Hibbert 3
C.Wells, run out 10
Charvill, b by Hibbert 2
Smith, c by Rose 0
Heasler, c by Jackson 3
W.Wells, not out 0
Byes 4, Wide balls 6, No balls 1
Total 109

WARE Second Innings
Chapman, c by T.Hall 13
Page, not out 3
Waller, not out 29
Byes, Wide balls 11
Total 56

Hitchin First Innings
Clisby, c by Page 0
Rose, run out 6
Jos.Hall, c by G.Charvill 5
Jackson, b by Jones 12
John Hall, b by Heasler 26
Flecknoe, b by Jones 4
T.Hall, st by Waller 1
Spencer, c by Waller 0
Lewin, b by Jones 18
Hibbert, run out 1
Sharp, not out 5
Byes 5, No ball 1
Total 84

The return match was played at Hitchin on the 10th and 11th instant. The following is the score:
WARE First Innings
Waller, c by Hibbert 3
Chapman, c by Flecknoe 14
Page, st by J.Hall 52
Jones, b by Hibbert 21
Campkin, leg before wicket 5
Thorogood, b by Rose 25
C.Wells, b by Gatward 19
Charvill, b by Spencer 21
Heasler, c by Flecknoe 7
Smith, c by Gatwarrd 0
W.Wells, not out 0
Byes 25
Wide balls 15
No balls 4
Total 211

HITCHIN First Innings
Jos.Hall, b by Heasler 26
Rose, b by Heasler 22
Jackson, c by Charvill 0
John Hall, b by Heasler 0
Lewin, b by Jones 0
Gatward, b by Heasler 5
Hibbert, b by Heasler 1
Clisby, not out 10
Flecknoe, b by Heasler 1
Spencer, c by Charvill 6
Sharp, b by Heasler 2
Byes 9, wide balls 2
Total 84

HITCHIN Second Innings
Jos.Hall, c by Heasler 12
Rose, b by Heasler 2
Jackson, not out 2
John Hall, c by Jones 5
Lewin, b by Heasler 4
Gatward c by Heasler 0
Hibbert, b by Jones 1
Clisby b by Heasler 0
Flecknoe, b by Heasler 13
Spencer, b by Heasler 6
Sharp, b by Heasler 3
Byes 13
Total 61
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 19th August 1843

On Thursday, a game of cricket was played between the east and west ends of Hitchin, and from the playing exhibited on this occasion, we wonder that the Hitchinites have not come out 'ere this.
The state of the game, in one innings, stood thus: -
East, 209; West, 164.
A game is in contemplation with King's Walden; and we wish our Hitchin friends good luck.
Bucks Gazette Saturday 7th September 1844

The cricket match, of which we gave notice last week as expecting to come off shortly is squashed. The gallant and honourable King's Waldenites 'only' wanting a 'picked' man from almost every country town, thereby displaying a spirit of such pusillanimity, that our friends sent word they only played avec le brave.
Bucks Gazette Saturday 14th September 1844

Active measures are now being taken to revive the Hitchin Cricket Club, which has for so long a time laid dormant, although it once boasted of having challenged the county without being answered; and from what we have seen of some of the players there is every probability of their being worthy to stand in place of their predecessors.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 9th July 1853

A match of cricket was played between two elevens of the town of Hitchin, on Thursday last. The following is the score: -

1st Innings
G.Warren, b by Cannon 5
Chalkley, c by ditto 2
James Lewin, b by Thompson 1
John Hall, not out 14
E.Hawkins, Esq., b by Cannon 1
J.Joyner, st by Jackson 1
J.Farmer, b by Cannon 0
J.Mills, b by ditto 4
C.Hastings, b by Thompson 2
Baker, st by Jackson 1
Wright, st by Jackson 0
Franklin, c by Jackson 0
Byes 4
Wide 2
Total 37

2nd Innings
G.Warren, b by Cannon 0
Chalkley, b by Jackson 2
James Lewin, st by Jackson 17
John Hall, b by Thompson 11
E.Hawkins, Esq., b by Cannon 6
J.Joyner, st by Jackson 8
J.Farmer, c by Lewin 4
J.Mills, b by Cannon 0
C.Hastings, b by Thompson 4
Baker, run out 0
Wright, c by Goddard 0
Franklin, not out 1
Byes 3
Wide 1
Total 57

1st Innings
W.Jackson, b by Lewin 0
Joseph Hall, b by ditto 4
John Warren, b by Chalkley 1
John Lewin, b by Hall 4
Thompson, b by Chalkley 16
N.Goddard, lbw 4
C.Cannon, c by Warren 8
W.Hall, jun, b by Chalkley 0
Joseph Richardson, b by ditto 0
H.Walker, c by Mills 1
John Wardlaw, b by Lewin 0
Wm.Stevens, not out 1
Byes 12
Wide 4
Total 55

2nd Innings
Joseph Hall, not out 25
John Lewin, b by Chalkley 0
Thompson, run out 4
N.Goddard, not out 6
C.Cannon, c by Joiner 2
Byes 3
Total 40

It will be seen that the West Side won with six wickets to go down. The batting of Mr John Hall and the bowling of Messrs Thompson and Cannon on the West Side was much admired. Twelve names are placed, instead of eleven as previously intended.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Saturday 23rd July 1853

The return match will be played on Wednesday next between the Godmanchester and Hitchin Clubs, at Hitchin; stumps to be pitched at ten o'clock; a good dinner will be provided at two o'clock; and much entertainment is expected by the admirers of this manly pastime.
Cambridge Independent Press Saturday 24th June 1854

The return match between eleven of the Godmanchester and Hitchin Clubs will be played upon the Hitchin Cricket ground on Wednesday next; the wickets will be pitched at 10 o'clock precisely.
Refreshments will be provided on the ground, and it is expected the match will be witnessed by a great number of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood.
Hertfordshire Guardian Tuesday 27th June 1854

A match was played on Wednesday, at Hitchin, between eleven gentlemen of the Silsoe Club and eleven of the town of Hitchin. In consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather, only one innings was played. The match ended in favour of the Hitchin by 32 runs.
Cannon, C run out 7
Pack,W b by Turner 2
Hunt, b by Hardy 1
Goddard, c and b by Turner 14
Warren, Jno, jun., c Brightmore b Jeeves 27
Farmer, John b by ditto 0
Jackson, William run out 6
Tomson, c by Turner b by Jeeves 1
Mills, b by Hardy 6
Joyner, F lbw 12
Hall, William, jun not out 5
Wide balls 10
No balls 2
Byes 9
Total 102

Ashford, c and b Hunt 0
Hardy, lbw 6
Jeeves, b by Hunt 6
Brightman, st by Jackson b by Tomsom 5
Robertson, b by Tomson 11
Turner, c by Warren b by Tomson 4
Eve, c by Hall b by Cannon 9
Robinson, c by Tomson b by Cannon 2
Ashford, Henry run out 2
Joyce, not out 13
Doggett, c by Farmer b by Tomson 2
Wide balls 7
No balls 2
Bye 1
Total 70
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 22nd July 1854

The annual meeting of the Hitchin Cricket Club was held at the Crown Hotel, on the 13th February 1855, Mr F. Delme Radcliffe in the chair. It was reported that there was a balance of £10 odd in hand, and that seven matches had been won, five lost, and one drawn. The officers were re-elected, and the usual routine business transacted.
Luton Times & Advertiser Tuesday 20th February 1855

On Monday, 18th June 1855, a match was played between the Bedford and Hitchin Clubs, at the latter place. Owing, however, to the unfavourable state of the weather, the second innings could not be played, and the game was consequently decided by the 1st, the Bedfordians being victorious by 18 runs, and 2 wickets to call. The return match will be played at Bedford on Wednesday July 11th. The following is the score: -
Hunt, b Willshaw 11
Joiner, b Willshaw 0
Warren, b Mallowes 2
Cannon, c Mallowes 18
Lewin, b Mallowes 1
Goddard, c Robinson 0
Clisby, run out 4
Farmer, b Mallowes 6
Franklin, not out 2
Pack, c Robinson 2
Warren, b Mallowes 0
Byes, etc. 6
Total 52

Mallowes, c Cannon 4
Fenn, run out 12
Titmus, c Hunt 2
Fane, b Hunt 10
Willshaw, c Lewin 7
Towler, not out 7
Robinson, b Lewin 4
Knibb, c Cannon 1
Kingston, b Cannon 6
Field, not out 8
Joy, not wanted
Byes, etc., 9
Total 70
Cambridge Independent Press Saturday 23rd June 1855

Another report of this match:

This match came off on Monday, on the Hitchin ground. There was not any very admirable play on either side. On the part of the Hitchin Club it may be somewhat accounted for by being unfortunate in having five of their best members unwell. The Hitchin men, in the first innings made 52; the Bedford followed, and had lost eight wickets for 70 runs, when it came on to rain, which caused them to draw the stumps; the Bedford then winning by 18 runs, with two wickets to go down. The return match will be played at Bedford, on the 11th July.
The Era Sunday 24th June 1855

A cricket match came off on the Hitchin cricket ground, between the Hitchin and Royston, when the latter were victorious by 24 runs.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 30th June 1855

This match was played at Hitchin on Thursday, the 28th June 1855, in the presence of a large concourse of persons. The game being decided, if not played out, resulted in favour of the Royston. The return match will be played on Royston Heath on Thursday, 19th July 1855. Subjoined id the score:
Titchmarsh, b Warner 3 run out 15
Daintry, run out 0 run out 0
Phillips, c Hibbert 10 b Warner 1
E.Woodham, c Hunt 18 b Warner 0
Shepherd, b Warner 16 c Lewin 74
Simpson, lbw 0 b Warner 6
Baker, b Hibbert 12 b Kirkby 0
Nash, A, run out 4 run out 1
Titchmarsh, F, c Poulton 4 run out 3
Squire, b Warner 6 not out 8
W.Woodham, not out 3 c Kirkby 0
Byes, etc, 12 & 11
Total- First Innings 88 Second Innings 119

Cannon, E b Woodham 3
Hunt, run out 4 not out 4
Poulton, b Shepherd 7
Kirkby, c Baker 2
Warner, c Phillips 0
Lewin, b Shepherd 0 st Shepherd 7
John Lewin, not out 14
Goddard, run out 2
Farmer, lbw 6
Pack, b Shepherd 4
Hibbert, b Shepherd 0
Byes, etc, 22 & 1
Total-First Innings 64 Second Innings 12
Cambridge Independent Press Saturday 7th July 1855

The return match between the Hitchin Club and the Cambridge Britannia Club will be played on Parker's Piece on Wednesday next. The stumps will be pitched at ten o'clock.
Cambridge Independent Press Saturday 28th July 1855

A match was played in Butt's Close, on Wednesday and Thursday last, between eleven of the Hitchin and eleven of the Godmanchester clubs. The play was good and caused some amusement; an excellent dinner was provided on the ground by Mr Wadlow, of the Swan Inn.
The following is the score:
L.A.Reynolds, b Hall 56 c John Lewin 28
Towgood, run out 0 b Tomson 1
Ekins, b G.Warren 10 c G.Warren 4
E.Reynolds, b Hall 22 b Tomson 0
Cheeve, b Warren 7 b G.Warren 2
Sperling, b Warren 5 b G.Warren 1
Shafto, b Warren 0 run out 0
Hancock, b Hall 0 c J.Warren 0
Newton, c Farmer 1 not out 4
Watson, c Tomson 1 c Lewin 1
Fisher, not out 0 b G.Warren 0
Wides, etc 17 Wides, etc 4
Total (1st Innings) 119 (2nd Innings) Total 45

John Lewin, b Reynolds 5 lbw 0
Hall, b Watson 2 b Sperling 2
Hunt,run out 18 run out 5
Tomson, c Hancock 10 b Watson 13
Farmer, b Sperling 9 b Sperling 0
Batterson, b Watson 9 b Reynolds 11
Goddard, b Watson 0 c Ekins 4
G.Warren, b Watson 5 run out 8
J.Warren, b Watson 0 not out 4
Jas.Lewin, run out 4 b Watson 11
Pack, not out 2 b Sperling 5
Wides, etc 7 Wides, etc 16
Total 71 Total 79
Herts Guardian Saturday 26th July 1856

The return match of the Hitchin and Shefford was played in Butt's Close, Hitchin, on Monday the 3rd August 1857, when the Hitchin were beaten in the first innings of the Shefford club. Score:
First Innings
Cannon, not out 9
Battison, b Clark 0
Tomson, run out 0
Lewin, lbw 0
Goddard, b Dunton 3
Hall, b Dunton 2
G.Warren, b Clark 0
Davis, run out 1
J.Warren, b Clark 0
Pack, lbw 0
Whittamore, b Dunton 0
Byes, etc. 8
Total 23

1st Innings
Gave, b Tomson 1
Smith, c Warren 18
Clark, c Whittamore 0
Harwood, b G.Warren 49
Berley, b Hale 3
Betts, lbw 9
Dunton, b Tomson 5
Retfurn, b Warren 2
Kempson, not out 0
Haddow, b Warren 0
Odell, b Warren 2
Byes, etc. 12
Total 101

2nd Innings
Cannon, b Dunton 6
Battison, lbw 8
Tomson, b Clark 3
Lewin, b Dunton 2
Goddard, b Clark 0
Hall, run out 0
G.Warren, b Dunton 0
Davis, b Clark 4
J.Warren, c Clark 0
Pack, not out 9
Whittamore, b Dunton 3
Byes, etc. 13
Total 48
Herts Guardian Tuesday 11th August 1857

One of the most exciting games at cricket that has been played in this town for some years, came off on Thursday last, in Butt's Close, between eleven of the Hitchin Cricket Club, and eleven of the Railway United Club. There was some capital play on both sides, when the Hitchin were victorious by one run and two wickets to go down.
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 30th July 1859

A capital game was played on Thursday last, in Butt's Close, betwen eleven gentlemen selected by Mr John Warren, and eleven gentlemen chosen by Mr William Lucas. The play was generally very good, especially the fielding of Mr Lucas's eleven.
G.Pack, b Rutter 1 b F.Rutter 5
E.Passingham, c Hull 0 run out 3
W.Hall, b C.Lucas 8 lbw 0
J.Warren, b C.Lucas 10 b E.Rutter 0
James Lewin, b E.Rutter 2 run out 7
Geo.Warren, b E.Rutter 12 b E.Rutter 8
John Lewin, c Thompson 1 b E.Rutter 0
S.B.Tomson, c Hull 0 c F.Rutter 10
T.Button, c Westlake 1 run out 0
J.Farmer, b C.Lucas 0 b F.Rutter 3
W.Jackson, not out 2 not out 2
Wide balls 8 Wides & byes 12
Total (1st innings) 45 Total (2nd Innings) 50

T.Hull, b G.Warren 0 b Button 1
E.Rutter, b Button 4 c John Lewin 15
A.Rutter, b Button 0 c Tomson 1
T.Westlake, c Pack 3 b G.Warren 7
Arthur Lucas, c Hall 8 b G.Warren 5
Harry Lucas, b G.Warren 0 run out 0
Albert Lucas c Button 2 c Tomson 2
F.Rutter, b G.Warren 1 c James Lewin 7
C.Lucas, c Button 1 c Warren 0
L.Thompson, b Button 3 not out 2
Herbert Lucas, not out 2 run out 0
Wides & byes 4 Wides & byes 8
Total 28 Total 48
Hertford Mercury & Reformer Saturday 6th August 1859

On Thursday, 8th September 1859, a match was played on the Biggleswade cricket ground between eleven of the Biggleswade and eleven of the Hitchin clubs; and although the betting at the commencement of the game was 3 to 1 against the Biggleswade players, the latter were victorious with 45 runs to spare. There was some excellent batting shown by several of the players on both sides. The following is the score: -
J.Lewin, run out 17
Jackson, b Warren 10
G.Warren, b Albone 4
J.Warren, c Barker 19
John Lewin, lbw 6
Pack, c Warren 7
J.Farmer, c J.Haynes 9
S.B.Tomson 10
Hall, lbw 3
Joyner, not out 1
Goddard, lbw 0
Byes, etc. 10
Total 96

Rev.Walters, c Goddard 2
J.Chambers, c&b Tomson 12
F.Hogge, b Warren 0
S.Warren, b Tomson 13
Barker, lbw 30
E.Albone, c Warren 2
G.Haynes, lbw 20
W.Chambers, b Tomson 20
J.Haynes, b Jackson 2
Hooper, not out 15
G.Marsom, b Tomson 0
Byes, etc. 25
Total 141
Bedfordshire Times Tuesday 13th September 1859

On Monday evening last, the members of the Hitchin Volunteer Cricket Club, held a meeting at their club-house respecting a new cricket ground - the old ground in Butt's Close having been broken up by different parties, so that the ground is in too bad a condition to be played upon. A piece of ground occupied by Paymaster Turner was offered to the club, and it is with very great pleasure we have to announce that Hitchin has once more a private ground, it being many years since the old club could boast of having so select a spot. There is every appearance of play this season. The supporters of the manly game will now have a good opportunity of attending all matches. The ground is near to Rosenburg House.
Hertfordshire Express & General Advertiser Saturday 28th June 1862

Match played on Saturday, 22nd August 1863, between eleven gentlemen chosen by Mr James Oliver, of Baldock, and eleven chosen by Mr Darton, of Hitchin, which terminated in favour of Mr Oliver's eleven. The following is the score:
1st Innings
Hodson, c Hughes 27
Lindsell, c C.Salusbury 36
Graham, st A.Lucas 7
Ramsey, b Tuck 15
H.Oliver, lbw 0
Bastard, c C.Salusbury 7
Heathcoate, c C.Salusbury 0
Hobson, hit wicket 4
Osborne, b Wright 0
J.Oliver, c C.Salusbury 0
Wade, not out 0
Byes, etc. 18
Total 114

1st Innings
C.Salusbury, run out 1
A.Lucas, c Osborne 10
Hughes, b Ramsey 5
J.Tuck, b Ramsey 7
Darton, b Ramsey 0
Forster, b Ramsey 14
Wright, hit wicket 5
W.Sainsbury, run out 0
A.Tuck, b Osborne 1
F.Salusbury, c Osborne 0
W.T.Lucas, not out 1
Byes, etc. 13
Total 57

2nd Innings
C.Salusbury, b Ramsey 3
A.Lucas, b Ramsey 5
Hughes, b Ramsey 1
J.Tuck, b Osborne 2
Darton, not out 7
Forster, not out 3
W.T.Lucas, b Ramsey 2
Byes, etc. 12
Total 35
Herts Guardian Tuesday 1st September 1863

It is with pleasure we observe that a successful attempt has been made to form a cricket club in this town. Preliminary meetings have been held for that purpose, and a committee of six gentlemen has been formed, with Mr Edward Passingham as their secretary, to carry out the arrangements. The annual subscription is fixed at half-a-guinea for playing members, that of honorary members optional. About 25 of the former have already joined the club. The ground chosen will be kept entirely in the hands of the club who have engaged their own attendant to keep it in good order throughout the season. Intending members are solicited to communicate with the secretary, Bancroft.
Hertfordshire Express & General Advertiser Saturday 30th April 1864

A match was played on the ground in Butt's Close on Thursday last, between the Hitchin cricket club and the Bassingbourn club. A very deep interest was shown to have been taken in the match, from the large number of visitors on the ground. Unfortunately the weather was stormy, and the commencement of play was delayed until after midday, consequently the game was decided by one innings, as detailed in the following score.

1st Innings
G.Warren, b J.Coleman 32
E.Logsdon, b W.Flitton 31
A.Primett, b W.Flitton 4
J.Moulden, c J.Coleman 2
J.Neale, b W.Flitton 13
F.Mead, c ditto 7
E.Passingham, b ditto 0
A.Woods, run out 10
J.Taylor, c A.Blott 3
C.Fells, not out 2
G.Pack, b Coleman 0
Byes, etc 7
Total 111

1st Innings
Oliver, run out 6
C.Flitton, h w 11
A.Blott, run out 1
P.Coleman, c Taylor 5
W.Flitton, h w 2
J.Coleman, c Warren 0
L.Blott, b Neale 2
E.Prime, c ditto 0
C.Hart, not out 13
C.Merry, b Neale 0
E.Wilkinson, b Neale 3
Byes, etc 6
Total 49
Hertfordshire Express & General Advertiser Saturday 25th June 1864

A spirited match was played on Thursday last, between the Hitchin cricket club, and the Bassingbourn club. The game was decided by the first innings, in consequence of some of the Bassingbourn club leaving the ground before the expiration of the time agreed upon by the umpires, between the innings. It is to be regretted that Mr Mead, of Hitchin, accidentally dislocated his knee during the game. Following is the score: -
A.Blott, b G.Warren 1
J.Oliver, b G.Warren 2
C.Flitton, b Primett 3
P.Coleman, c Primett 23
R.Holder, c Moulden b Primett 12
J.Hart, b Primett 1
J.Coleman, b G.Warren 8
E.Prime, b G.Warren 0
C.Merry, b G.Warren 0
S.Blott, b Primett 2
E.Wilkinson, not out 0
Byes, etc. 1
Total 53

E.Logsdon, not out 16
G.Warren, b J.Coleman 6
Passingham, c S.Blott b J.Hart 0
C.Fells, b J.Coleman 0
H.Darton, b J.Coleman 27
F.Mead, run out 6
Primett, lbw b A.Blott 0
Woods, b A.Blott 0
Pack, b J.Coleman 1
Taylor, run out 4
Moulden, c S.Blott b A.Blott 0
Byes, etc. 3
Total 63
Hertfordshire Express Saturday 9th July 1864

The club formed last year, of which Mr Edward Passingham is the secretary, has commenced play for the season under most favourable auspices. The table in Butt's Close has been put in first-rate condition, considering the dry weather. Some of the leading gentlemen in the town have kindly shown an interest in this club, and added their subscriptions to its funds. The men of Hitchin have been renowned for cricket, and we trust we shall see those of the present generation rise to equal celebrity. We should be glad if, by another season, some gentleman would allow use of a private ground adjacent to the town.
Hertfordshire Express & General Advertiser Saturday 29th April 1865

This town was much enlivened on Thursday by merry peals of bells being rung during the day, on the occasion of the marriage of Mr Edward Passingham to Miss Emma Warren. The service was performed at St Mary's Church.
Hertfordshire Express Saturday 27th May 1865

A capital game was played on Thursday; the match was between the Hitchin and King's Walden Clubs. The day was fine, and the two clubs were well matched on the excellent ground. Time, as is very often the case, did not allow the game to be played out, and victory was decided by the first innings. Some good play was made on both sides, and the score is given below: -
1st Innings
Cain, c James 12
Olney, b Neal 23
G.Baker, b Neal 9
Darton,sen., b Neal 6
J.Barker, not out 27
C.C.Hale, Esq., b James 5
Ebbs, b James 0
Kingsley, c Neal 0
Coleman, b Austin 17
Bird, b Neal 1
W.Roberts, not out 0
Wides, etc., 7
Total 107

2nd Innings
Cain, not out 3
Olney, b Neal 18
G.Baker, c James 58
Darton, sen., b Neal 0
J.Barker, st Mead 25
C.C.Hale, Esq., b James 0
Ebbs, run out 12
Kingsley, c Passingham 5
Coleman, c Logsdon 3
Bird, c Mead 9
W.Roberts, lbw 5
Wides, etc., 14
Total 152

1st Innings
Logsdon, b Hale 22
Passingham, c Baker 1
Neal, b Baker 10
James, c Barker 15
Primmett, hit wicket 7
Darton, run out 19
Mead, b Barker 11
Austin, b Coleman 11
Bird, b Darton 7
Pack, not out 1
Woods, b Coleman 0
Wides, etc., 34
Total 138
Hertfordshire Express Saturday 24th June 1865

An adjourned meeting was held in the Corn Exchange Committee Room on Monday evening, James Neal, Esq., in the chair. The chairman announced that the new ground on Hitchin Hill was in preparation, and as the amount required to make it fit to be played upon would be large, he should be happy to receive subscriptions to a fund to meet that expense. To this appeal several gentlemen present responded . The circulars issued by the club had also met with an active response. New members were invited to join the club. It was suggested by Mr W.T.Lucas that the Football Club should be made the nucleus of the Cricket Club, by uniting the two, but the suggestion was unfavourably received. The Rev.Parker expressed himself in favour of forming a new cricket club, and drawing up a new set of rules. Mr James considered the old club was in a flourishing condition, and the old rules answered every purpose, and carried with him the feeling of the meeting. It was decided that a subscription list should be laid before the public, and Messrs Sharples and Co. have kindly allowed one to remain open on the counter. New members and subscribers are also invited to send in their names to Mr Edward Passingham, the honorary secretary.
Hertfordshire Express Saturday 3rd February 1866

On Monday evening last a general meeting of the members of the cricket club took place at the Swan Hotel, when about forty were present. Hubert Delme Radcliffe, Esq., was elected president; J.Neal, Esq., treasurer; and Mr Edward Passingham, secretary. Several new members were enrolled.
Hertford Mercury Saturday 5th May 1866

It is intended to play a match on this ground on Monday next, 17th September 1866, between H.Delme Radcliffe's eleven and the Hitchin Club. Play to commence at ten o'clock.
Hertfordshire Express Saturday 15th September 1866

On Monday evening, the annual general meeting of the club was held at the Sun Hotel. Although the club can boast of a large number of members, only eleven took the trouble of attending, the committee being particularly conspicuous by their absence.
The receipts for the past year amounted to £86.2s.6d., the expenses to £85.17s.3d, and so the club begin for the present season with a balance of 5s.3d.
The Secretary and Treasurer received the thanks of the club for their able management during the past season, it being something novel for the club to hold a meeting without a piteous appeal to the pockets of those present.
The folowing officers were elected: T.A.Dashwood, Esq., President; the Rev.J.B.Parker, Treasurer; Mr E.Passingham, Secretary.
The following were elected to serve on the Committee: Capt.Lautour, F.Wright, Esq., O.H.Foster, Esq., the Rev.John Pardoe, Mr G.Lewin, Mr E.Logsdon, G.E.Hughes, Esq., Mr F.Mead.
It was decided that the colours of the club should be black and magenta, the same as those adopted by the Football Club, and that in matches the players should wear their colours.
A proposal was made that after the opening match, whenever that may be, the members of the club should dine together; perhaps a dinner will prove more attractive than a 'general meeting'
Hertfordshire Express & General Advertiser Saturday 19th February 1870

This match was played on Thursday, 4th May 1871, at Hitchin, and finished in favour of Biggleswade by 9 runs. The bowling of Burnett for Biggleswade was first-rate. Score: -
1st Innings
Rev.C.Ewbank, b Mainwaring 11
T.Grant, c Warner, b Darton 5
H.Bell, b Mainwaring 11
F.Safford, run out 1
C.Burnett, not out 27
J.P.Piper, b Barham 0
W.Vyse, b Mainwaring 2
C.Pope, lbw, b Mainwaring 0
W.Gostling, c Lines, b Mainwaring 13
Herring, b Darton 1
Mainwaring, b Darton 0
Byes 3
lb 4
wb 10
Total 88

2nd Innings
Rev.C.Ewbank, b Mainwaring 3
T.Grant, c Lines, b Barham 4
H.Bell, b Mainwaring 4
F.Safford, b Mainwaring 2
C.Burnett, c&b Barham 2
J.P.Piper, c Lines, b Darton 10
W.Vyse, b Mainwaring 21
C.Pope, b Barham 18
W.Gostling, not out 17
Herring, b Darton 0
Mainwaring, b Barham 0
Byes 11
lb 2
wb 2
nb 1
Total 97

1st Innings
J.Lines, b Burnett 14
G.Lewin, b Herring 23
J.H.Norton, b Burnett 6
T.Austin, b Burnett 0
Rev.J.Pardoe, b Burnett 0
T.Mainwaring, b Burnett 6
C.Barham, c Vyse, b Herring 2
T.H.Darton, b Burnett 19
J.T.Warner, b Burnett 0
F.Rooke, not out 0
E.Dawson, b Burnett 1
Byes 3
lb 1
wb 4
Total 79
Bell's Life in London Saturday 13th May 1871

This match was played on No-Mans-Land, on Friday 9th June 1871. Mr G.Baker, of King's Walden, played a fine innings.
1st Innings
S.Pakes, c C.Baker, b Mainwaring 3
A.Scot, b C.Baker 13
J.Lines, b Mainwaring 17
J.Walby, st Pardoe, b Austin 19
C.Sharpe, Esq., c Mainwaring, b Austin 34
J.Coleman, c Pardoe, b G.Baker 0
S.U.Robins, Esq., c&b G.Baker 4
H.Cohen, Esq., b G.Baker 0
E.E.Toller, Esq., st Pardoe, b Austin 0
C.J.Kilby, not out 4
G.U.Robins, Esq., b Baker 0
Extras 12
Total 106

2nd Innings
S.Pakes, b G.Baker 31
A.Scot, c Austin, b Mainwaring 22
J.Lines, c&b C.Baker 47
C.Sharpe, Esq., b mainwaring 7
S.U.Robins, not out 37
H.Cohen, c Lucas, b G.Baker 22
E.E.Toller, b C.Baker 1
Extras 23
Total 190

1st Innings
S.Austin, c Pakes, b Walby 2
H.Baker, c Toller, b Pakes 5
G.Baker, not out 97
Rev.A.Anderson b Walby 0
T.Mainwaring, c Pakes, b Walby 1
Rev.C.Baker, run out 0
Rev.J.Pardoe, b Walby 0
F.Farmer, lbw, b Walby 0
C.Lines, run out 7
W.Lucas, st Lines, b Walby 5
Rev.W.Pope, c Sharpe, b Pakes 0
Extras 5
Total 122
Herts Advertiser Saturday 17th June 1871

(12 a side)
This match was played on Thursday, 20th July 1871, at Hitchin. The following is the score: -
1st Innings
J.Coleman, c H.Baker, b Burnett 11
R.Stott, c C.Baker 3
T.Pearce, c Pardoe, b Burnett 29
J.Lines, b C.Baker 2
S.Pakes, b C.Baker 1
J.Walby, c&b C.Baker 4
F.Lattimore, run out 0
J.Healey, b C.Baker 5
W.Thrale, b C.Baker 1
C.J.Kilby, b Burnett 1
S.U.Robins, not out 2
A.Sharpe, b C.Baker 0
Extras 14
Total 73

J.Coleman, b Burnett 0
R.Stott, b Mainwaring 6
T.Pearce, b Burnett 1
J.Lines, not out 53
S.Pakes, b C.Baker 1
J.Walby, b C.Baker 7
F.Lattimore, not out 5
J.Healey, run out 9
W.Thrale, b C.Baker 1
S.U.Robins, b Burnett 3
A.Sharpe, b Mainwaring 3
Extras 16
Total 105

HITCHIN 1st Innings
J.Lewin, b Walby 0
F.Talbot, b Pakes 13
C.Burnett, c Lattimore, b Pakes 39
Rev.A.Anderson, run out 2
Rev.C.Baker, c Lines, b Walby 9
Rev.J.Pardoe, b Walby 0
T.Mainwaring, c Pakes, b Lattimore 2
H.E.Baker, c Lines, b Walby 4
E.Logsdon, run out 12
F.Wright, b Pakes 0
Rev.J.Parker, not out 0
O.H.Forster, c Sharpe, b Pakes 0
Extras 13
Total 94
Herts Advertiser Saturday 26th August 1871

This match was played at Hitchin on Thursday week between the Hitchin and Baldock Clubs, and resulted in favour of the Hitchin Club.
The following is the score:
E.Hankin, c Hine, b Hicks 2
F.Dawson, c Pratt, b Logsdon 136
R.Hughes, c Peck, b Page 0
S.Mellor, b Hicks 7
J.Walby, c Hine, b Gray 4
Rev.D.Barry, hw by Wilshere 2
W.Mellor, b Gray 18
E.Hughes, c Gray, b Pratt 6
G.Moules, c Baker, b Logsdon 7
W.Foster, b Logsdon 7
T.H.Darton, not out 5
Extras 19
Total 213

BALDOCK 1st Innings
G.A.Hicks, b Dawson 18
N.Hine, run out 5
E.Logsdon, c Walby, b Dawson 4
E.Smythe, b Walby 17
P.Baker, c Dawson, b Hankin 4
C.Page, c&b Dawson 0
H.Pratt, b Walby 1
C.Peck, b W.Mellor 5
G.Wilshere, c S.Mellor, b Walby 4
F.Gray, b Walby 7
G.Thody, not out 3
Extras 4
Total 72

BALDOCK 2nd Innings
G.A.Hicks,not out 20
N.Hine, not out 6
G.Thody, b Mellor 5
Extras 3
Total 34
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 29th August 1879

Hitchin Cricket Club held a special meeting this week to consider the position of the Club in being ejected from their pitch in London Road. The site has been purchased for the erection of a number of semi-detached villas by Messrs Wilmott and Sons, builders, Hitchin. The members hope to hear good news during this week-end, as negotiations are being carried on for a field in Bedford Road.
The North Herts Hockey Club had the use of the cricket field in London Road, and, therefore, are also affected, but not so seriously, as they are just closing their season. They have only three matches to play, and their season has been a mixture of good and bad fortune - good in the number of members and the inteest taken in the play, but disappointing in the results of the matches.
Beds & Herts Pictorial Tuesday 24th March 1925

In 1925 the Company....completed a housing development in Hitchin, known as the Manor Estate, which was built on the ground of the old Hitchin Cricket Club, off London Road on the south side of town. The roads are now known by the names of Lister Avenue and Coach Drive.
The Story of John Willmott & Sons 150 Years 1852-2002

A New Ground?
'The outlook of Hitchin Town Cricket Club is very encouraging, and the time is rapidly approaching when it will be said in truth that the team of today is comparable with the stalwarts of a past decade'.
This was part of a favourable secretarial report given at the annual meeting at the Angel Vaults, on Thursday evening, Mr F.R.Shillitoe, Treasurer, presided, supported by Mr J.H.Walker, Secretary, and a fair gathering of members.
Mr Shillitoe's statement of accounts showed that the club started the season with a balance in hand of £2.12s.6d., apart from outstanding liabilities. Subscriptions amounted to £30.10s., collections on the field to £2.3s.9d., and the proceeds of the competition to £15.1s. The Secretary's expenses were £10.8s.3d., repairs to the ground £8, hedge cuttings 10s., and groundsman £15, and other expenses brought the total to £38.13s.3d., leaving a balance in hand of £14.18s.
The Chairman said the work of the Secretary had been done in a most economical way, the whole cost, apart from the groundsman, having been only about £20. He thought the club ought to have have more support through subscriptions. He had been looking at the books of the club referring to the days of his father, and noticed that subscriptions then amounted to £150. The club had made great progress financially since last year. Mr A.King said that to have two elevens at such a small expense was a fine performance.
Mr Walker said his secretarial report was an encoraging one. The club played twenty-one matches, won eleven, lost eight, and drew two. They scored 2915 runs for 196 wickets, the highest for many seasons. Their opponents scored 2636 for 192 wickets. K.Nicholson was top of both the batting and bowling averages, but only played in a few games. He was also responsible for the only century made by a member during the season, and those who had the pleasure of seeing it would not soon forget it. The feature of the season was the marked advance of some of their younger players. The captain, A.King, to whose enthusiasm and leadership great credit was due, was again a model of consistency. He scored 589 runs, with an average of 28.4, and took 25 wickets at a cost of 10.4. P.L.Allen was also very much to the fore, scoring 432 runs with a highest score of 91. T.H.Smith did well both in batting and bowling, and they ha great hopes of him for the future. The old stalwarts, Brown and Isaac, again bore the brunt of the bowling, and their consistency season after season was a great asset to the club. There were also other members whose form was consistently good, and they looked with confidence for its continuance in the coming season.
For the first time since they changed their quarters a serious effort was made to raise a second eleven and, although many difficulties were encountered, the experiment had been justified. The majority of the matches were won, and several performances of great merit made. The chief asset, however, was the fact that the team would prove of great value as a nursery for young players. Taken altogether, the outlook was rapidly approaching when it could be said in truth that the team of today was comparable to the stalwarts of a past decade. A happy feeling was in evidence throughout the whole of the season, and a good team spirit prevailed. The usual social gatherings again took place, and the club was greatly indebted to the gentlemen who, season after season, were so generous in their hospitality. In proposing the adoption of the report, Mr Shillitoe said that he was glad the second eleven had been a success, as it was a sign of the revival of the club.
Mr R.H.Delme Radcliffe was re-elected President, and Messrs Shillitoe and Walker, Treasurer and Secretary respectively. As Mr Anthony King intimated that he might have to resign the office of captain, if elected, the election of captains was left over. Mr Smythe was elected assistant Secretary, and Messrs W.A.Hill and P.L.Allen, Press correspondents. The committee was re-elected, with the addition of Messrs Chas Coxall and J.T.Barker.
Mr Shillitoe said that Mr Sid Brown, the groundsman, had told him that the middle of the table should be levelled. It was decided that this work should be done.

The meeting debated the prospects of obtaining a new ground, and Mr J.T.Barker suggested that the Urban Council ought to help them in the manner, as the Councils of Luton and Letchworth had helped their respective town cricket clubs.
Mr Shillitoe said the top field was the best ground, but as football was played on it from August to May there would be no time to prepare it for the cricket season. Mr Hill's suggestion that a sub-committee should be appointed to look into the matter was adopted, and the following were appointed: Messrs J.T.Barker (Secretary), Bowman, T.H.Smyth, A.King, C.Coxall, and A.W.Hill.
Mr Walker said he had arranged matches with most of the clubs they met last season. He had also made four fixtures for August Bank HolidayWeek, thus bringing them nearer to a cricket week than they had been for some time. It was decided that the club should join the Southern Counties Cricket Conference.
Beds & Herts Pictorial Tuesday 3rd December 1929
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

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Prominent members.
Edward Barrett Passingham 1840-1873. Wine and Spirit merchant, Bancroft.

George Alfred Passingham 1831-1898. Wine Merchant & Supt.Registrar, Bancroft.

George Edward Hughes 1821-1872. Brother of Thomas Hughes. Lived Offley. Squire of Offley Place. Born in Uffington, Berkshire. Rugby School (of course). Barrister, Local Commissioner of Taxes, JP. Died from a chill caught whilst playing golf.

Herbert George Salusbury Hughes 1853-1926. Son of George Edward Hughes. Nick name 'Stosher'. MA, JP. Squire of Offley Place. Friend of W.G.Grace. Hertfordshire County Cricket player (an opening bat with a batting average of 10......)

Cecil Frederick Reid. 1842-1898. Partner in Reid's Brewery. Regular Wanderers footballer (44 games). Lived at the Node, Codicote.

Francis Shillitoe. 1848-1924. Coroner & Attorney. Lived at Tilehouse Street, West Lane and Paynes Park (but never at Foxholes!). Played several football games for Wanderers, and played as captain for them twice.

William Tindall Lucas. 1847-1939. Banker. Lived at Foxholes (later at Welwyn). Also appeared for the Wanderers.

Edwin Logsdon. 1844-1912. Brewer, Inn Keeper & Farmer. Committee member 1870. Served Hitchin Volunteer Fire Brigade for 52 years, ending as Captain.

Charles Loftus Barham. 1852-1921. Mechanical Engineer. Served Hitchin Volunteer Fire Brigade for 50 years, ending as Captain (having succeeded Edwin Logsdon in that post).

George Dashwood Baker 1849-1879 Soldier. Lived at Kings Walden. Played one innings in 1869 season, scoring 106.

Henry Edward Baker 1853-1930. Brother of George Dashwood Baker. Soldier. Lived at Kings Walden.

Thomas Charles Mainwaring 1851-1896. Gun Salesman. Committee member 1872.

Reverend Charles Arthur Baker 1847-1927. Clergyman. Hitchin Curate 1870-77.

Thomas Harwood Darton 1848-1885. Lord of the Manor of Temple Dinsley. In 1871 he was a Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. Married a sister of Francis Shillitoe.

Major Herbert Gilbert Maclachlan Amos, D.S.O 1866-1924. Hertfordshire County Cricket player (15 innings, average 13.53). A useful centre-forward for Hitchin Football Club. Earned his D.S.O in the Boer War. Lived at St Ibbs, London Road, Hitchin.
Last edited by anthony.brown on Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:10 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

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Just catching up on this thread - fascinating :thumbsup:
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

Post by LTFC »

I’m guessing that’s why there’s a Passingham Avenue in Hitchin. The history of Hitchin & its people is fascinating (to me anyway)
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

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We have (at last!) placed the old cricket ground (1866-1925) between Lister Avenue, Coach Drive, London Road and Gosmore Road. Not far from the Priory, but outside its grounds.

In 1925 the Company (John Willmott & Sons) completed a housing development in Hitchin known as the Manor Estate, which was built on the grounds of the old Hitchin Cricket Club off London Road on the South side of town. The roads are now known by the names of Lister Avenue and Coach Drive.
The Story of John Willmott & Sons - 150 years 1852-2002
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Re: Hitchin Cricket Club

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