Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by Stuart »

Fascinating stuff as always Anthony
anthony.brown wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:14 pm ST NEOTS v HITCHIN
"The St Neots players kept the ball constantly among their opponents and twice succeeded in passing it. Result St Neots 2 Hitchin 0"

2 passes, 2 goals..not a bad return :big_grin:


Do we know much about from whence these honorable fellows hailed ? (the Old Wykehamists that is.. :-))

"Immediately after the match an objection was lodged by the Hitchin Club with the secretary of the Association, the ground not being roped in to prevent encroachment or even marked".

Wonder what the outcome was, if it was the FA, a ruling expected shortly! :big_grin:

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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by anthony.brown »

More 1890s

The final tie for the above Challenge Cup was played on the Clarence Ground, St Albans, on Saturday [27th April 1895]. Hitchin have annually competed for the Cup, but have never previously reached the final. St Mary's have figured in the competition previously, and their chances on this occasion were thought to be rosy, as they easily defeated West Herts, the holders, in the semi-final. Both sides were well represented, and a good array of spectators saw what proved an interesting game. Hitchin surprised and delighted their supporters by their vigorous attacks, and when a quarter of an hour had elapsed H.Williams gave his side the lead with a brilliant shot. The Saints tried again and again to equalise, but the opposing back play was very strong, and at half-time Hitchin were still leading by one to love. In the second forty-five play favoured each in turn, but the shooting was bad, and the custodians were not troubled much. Desperate efforts were made by St Mary's to get on level terms, but to no purpose, and just before the close Lattimer scored a second goal for Hitchin, who won by two to love.
Teams: -
Hitchin: C.Studman (goal), G.E.Mortlock and J.F.D.Hawkesley (backs), F.R.Shillitoe, J.E.Tully, and G.I.E.Pryor (half-backs), S.Innes and E.Salt (right wing), W.Lattimer (centre), H.Williams and A.Williams (left wing) (forwards).
Watford St Mary's: W.Brunt (goal), A.Butler and J.Cother (backs), J.Heath, J.Leckett and J.Conquest (half-backs), G.Adams and H.Culverhouse (right wing), C.Harrison (centre), R.Slaughter and W.Levett (left wing) (forwards).
Referee: Mr A.H.Noel (Referees' Association)
Linesmen: Messrs W.Payne and W.R.Baum.
Herts and Cambs Reporter Friday 3rd May 1895

Hitchin played a West of London club, Queen's Park Rangers, at Hitchin, on Saturday [8th October 1898]. The game ended in a draw of one goal each.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 14th October 1898

In the replay tie of this competition on Saturday [14th January 1899] Hitchin Blue Cross Brigade beat Hitchin Town on the former's ground 2-0.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 20th January 1899

The Hitchin Football Club had an enthusiastic annual meeting. The receipts and expenditure almost balance.
The new captain, W.J.Taylor, was cordially received.
A second eleven will be run during the season.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 11th August 1899

I am sorry to hear that Harry Williams has met with a serious accident at Hitchin, getting his elbow injured. The mishap did not occur at a football match.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 27th October 1899

The Luton team journeyed to Hitchin on Saturday [23rd December 1899] to play the Town team in the second round of the above Cup. It will be remembered that they defeated the Hitchin Blue Cross in the first round, but the Town team proved too strong for them, winning in the end by 2 goals to 0.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 29th December 1899

The 1900s

Mr J.P.Bennett, the referee for the cup-tie, Hitchin Blue Cross v Hitchin, wrote stating that he was not informed as to the time of the kick-off for the match in question, nor was it in the local paper. He went to Hitchin by the 2.30 train, and arrived on the football field at twelve minutes to three. They had just started a friendly game, and both teams declined to play their cup-tie, as they said it was too late to begin. As the light on Saturday was particularly good, he considered there was plenty of time, as the match would have been over by 4.30, but of course he was helpless under the circumstances. Had anyone let him know the time to begin, he should, of course, have been there in time. He was very sorry about the matter himself. He might say that both teams were unwilling to play. Hitchin FC wrote that the game on Saturday was, by reason of the non-arrival of the referee until 2.55, played as a friendly, as time would not permit of it being a cup-tie. After waiting until 2.45, and no referee appearing, the captains of both teams decided to play a friendly. Mr Bennett was inclined to blame him (Dr Hicks) for not sending him word of the time of the kick-off. He (Dr Hicks), however, informed him that he had never heard who was substituted for Mr Smith, of Biggleswade. Hitchin Blue Cross, Hitchin's opponents, said that owing to the late arrival of the referee, the County Cup-tie was not played, the teams playing a friendly of 35 minutes each way. Dr Hicks said that a week ago last Saturday, as they knew, this cup-tie was to have kicked off at 2.15. That time arrived, but no referee, and he enquired of Blue Cross whether they had received any word as to who was the referee. They, however, had not. At 2.45 as no referee had arrived, Mr Carling, a vice-president of the Association, and himself as member and representing the Association, advised the captains to play a friendly. The onus lay with them, as members of the Association, and not with either of the Clubs. Rule 10 was that the match should be of 90 minutes duration, and there was no provision for playing short time for a Senior Cup-tie, although there was for the Junior Cup. He was surprised that Mr Millar telegraphed that the match should stand as a cup-te. Neither of the clubs were to blame. There were about 500 people present, and a number of them grumbled when they heard that a cup-tie was not to be played, saying that they had no right to take their money, as they paid to see acup-tie, and consequently a lot of money was returned. He felt very much aggrieved about this matter himself, for if his and Mr Carling's action was not upheld, it certainly appeared that the Associaton did not place confidence in them, and they would undoubtedly send in their resignations. It was not true that the Blue Cross were not consulted. They found in the letter from the referee that he was consulted, but that they both refused. He did not know whetherthey refused because they knew there was not time to play. The Secretary wished to say how it was that the referee was appointed. Directly the match was ordered to be replayed, he wrote to Mr Smith of Biggleswade, who said he would take the match. Then in the week - he did not exactly what date - he received a letter from Mr Smith saying he could not go. Then he wrote to a referee in the neighbourhood, but had no reply until the Thursday night. It was then too late to write, so he telegraphed Mr Bennett, as he could not see anything else for it, and paid for a reply. Mr Bennett did not receive the telegram until it was too late to notify Hitchin as to who the referee was. He thought the referee would have tried to get there. He did not admit that he was in the wrong, or that he omitted to do his duty.
The Council, after discussion in committee, decided that the match should be replayed on the Hitchin ground on Saturday next.
Dr Hicks asked whose duty it was to notify the referee as to what time the kick-off was to take place. Mr Millar admitted that he did not do so, and said that he had not failed to do his duty.
The Secretary said that he did not know himself what time the kick-off was to be.
Hertfordshire Advertiser Saturday 20th January 1900

The Hitchin Football Club met the Blue Cross Temperance Brigade on Saturday [20th January 1900] in the Herts Cup competition, and defeated them by two goals to none.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 26th January 1900

The Hitchin Football Club met Irthlingborough at Huntingdon on Saturday 27th January 1900, in the semi-final of the Hinchinbrooke Cup competition and defeated them by four goals to one.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 2nd February 1900

On Saturday [10th March 1900] the Hitchin Football Club beat Watford Reserves by 3 goals to 1.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 16th March 1900

Played at Watford on Saturday 31st March 1900. Result: -
Hitchin 5 goals Hemel Hempstead 1 goal.
Hitchin: Pollitt, Allen, Pallin, Salt, Barnes, Ludford, Poffley, Day, Barker, Innes, and Taylor.
Hemel Hempstead: Shepherd, Gibbs, Chennells, Hughes, Rolph, Williams, Waddington, Boyd, A.Brinklow, Homans, and H.Brinklow.
Referee: Mr F.A.Sargent.
There was a large crowd on the Cassio Road, enclosure, Watford, on Saturday, to witness the final tie of the Herts County Cup. Hitchin, who have won the cup three times, were last year knocked out in the semi-final by Ware. Hemel Hempstead, on the other hand, could not boast of having done anything very conspicuous in the competition in previous years. The weather was everything that could be desired, and the ground was in grand condition. The ball having been set in motion, the opening exchanges were in favour of Hitchin, and a good shot by Poffley was cleared by Chennells. The Hempstead right then tried to get through, but Allen cleared with a long kick. Not to be denied, however, Hemel Hempstead again went down towards the Hitchin goal, and the custodian had to deal with a low, fast shot from Waddington. A free kick against Hitchin proved of no avail to Hemel Hempstead, who pressed for a time. A.Brinklow got in a shot, which almost scored, and then Hitchin attacked strongly, and a free kick for hands close in resulted in a dangerous scrimmage. The Hitchin team soon afterwards got themselves on the safe side, for after a good piece of play, Chennells failed to clear from Baker, and Day rushing up netted the ball. A fine chance fell to Hemel Hempstead soon after the restart, but H.Brinklow missed a very easy opening from a rush through by the halves. A corner to Hemel Hempstead proved useless, and Waddington and Boyd almost rushed the custodian through, but he brought about a fine save. A high shot from Boyd landed on top of the net. Hemel Hempstead were now doing a great deal of pressing, but then Hitchin got away. Hitchin were gradually but surely getting together better, and a spell of passing in front of goal ended in a shot being put in which narrowly missed the mark. Shepherd made a poor clearance from a high shot by Barker, and from the corner which resulted, Hitchin put on their second goal, Barker doing the needful. The leaders now put more dash into their play, whereas Hemel Hempstead were not striving quite so much. Hitchin were soon in their opponents' goal, and Shepherd had little chance against a shot from Barker, which gave them their third goal. A corner was awarded Hitchin soon afterwards, but nothing resulted. Hitchin's fourth goal came from a penalty, which was given against Gibbs, who handled the ball in the twelve yards' limit. For some reason or other, this kick was taken over twice, and in this Hemel Hempstead were unlucky, seeing that the first shot was stopped by Shepherd. At the other end, H.Brinklow was again at fault, for he had a splendid opportunity, but shot wildly. The ball was soon transferred to the Hemel Hempstead end, where Innes skimmed the cross-bar with a shot. When half-time arrived, Hitchin were leading by four goals to nil. The second half was more evenly contested, although it cannot by any means be said that the first half was one sided. It was, however, quite apparent that Hitchin were much the better team. Soon after the resumption of hostilities, Hemel Hempstead ran through, and Pollitt conceded a corner in saving. The flag-kick was well placed, and a clearance from this was only effected after a warm scrimmage. Hitchin soon travelled away to the other end, and Taylor centred, but the custodian repulsed the attack. Hitchin secured a corner, and then the referee had to speakto the spectators. From the corner kick, Innes headed goal No.5 for Hitchin. A.Brinklow had now gone to the outside right, and he got away and put in a fine shot, which hit the post. Poffley shot badly when he had a good chance. The same player was next given offside when about to shoot. A lively piece of play by Hemel Hempstead forwards was now witnessed, and the Hitchin defence had a busy time. At length, Barnes broke through, and Innes forced a corner. Two more corners followed, but Hitchin were beaten back. Three times in succession Hemel Hempstead had hard luck, one shot by A.Brinklow being a very dangerous one. At length Pollitt was beaten by that player with a good shot. This success was fully deserved, but time was now drawing to a close, and there was not the slightest chance of Hemel Hempstead getting the lead, for they had only a few minutes to get the five goals in. However no further scoring was done, and the game ended as stated above.
Herts Advertiser Saturday 7th April 1900

The Herts Association
A meeting of the Council of the Herts Football Association was held at the Bedford Head Hotel, Tottenham Court Road, London, on Thursday evening last week, when Mr E.T.Pearce (Ware), presided, and there were also present Messrs H.A.Hutchings and H.J.Wise (Watford), L.P.Morrison (Mid Herts), Dr Hicks (Hitchin), and Mr A.J.Millar (hon.secretary).
A claim was made by the Wisbech F.C. against the Hitchin Town F.C. for £7.10s. for the non-fulfillment of a fixture. From the correspondence it appeared that Hitchin accepted a guarantee of £6 to play a match at Wisbech on Good Friday. Everything had been done in the way of advertising, bill-posting, etc., but on the morning of Good Friday Hitchin telegraphed to the secretary of the Wisbech F.C. stating that they found it impossible to fulfill their fixture and contract, as it would be impossible for the members to return home the same night. The Wisbech Club lost heavily in the financial sense, and they therefore claimed the £7.10s.
Dr Hicks moved that on the ruling of the English Association that no club should be compelled to play a match on Good Friday or Christmas Day, the claim be not entertained. The Hon.Secretary, however, stated that this only applied to cup-tie or league matches, and not friendlies. Dr Hicks accordingly withdrew his proposition. The Council went into the case, and ordered Hitchin to play a match at Wisbech in the coming season for a guarantee of third-class railway fares only.
Herts Advertiser Saturday 18th August 1900

Hitchin Football Club met Peterborough Loco at Hitchin on Saturday 22nd September 1900, and defeated them by three goals to none.
ibid Friday 28th September 1900

(WHAT THE BUZZARD HEARS).....That the Hitchin Football Club have scratched their English Cup tie with the Cee Spring Club, which would have been played at Leighton on Saturday next........That the reason given is that to get to Leighton the players would have to leave Hitchin very early, but most of them are unable to leave their work in time.
Leighton Buzzard Observer Tuesday 16th October 1900

The following decisions have been come to by the Emergency Committee of the Herts Football Association after a lengthy enquiry, in reference to the Hitchin Football Club.
1. That Dr Hicks, late Hon Secretary, be suspended, sine die, from football management.
2. That W.H.English, C.W.Waldock, H.Wooding, and W.Carling, members of the committee, be suspended for two months from November 12th.
3. That W.Barnes be declared a professional and suspended for two months from November 12th.
4. That W.Butler, F.W.Featherstone, and A.Litchfield be suspended until they appear before the committee.
5. That the Club be ordered to keep its minutes and account book systematically, and produce them to the Hertfordshire Association every three months until further orders.
6. That the Club be ordered to pay the expenses of the enquiry £6.5s.
Hertfordshire Advertiser Saturday 17th November 1900

A game between Hitchin and Ilford Alliance was played on Saturday 6th April 1901, and ended in a draw, each side scoring one goal.
A match between Fulham and Hitchin was arranged for Monday 8th April 1901 on the ground of the latter, but soon after eleven o'clock a telegram was received at Hitchin saying the Fulham players had missed their train and could not come.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 12th April 1901

There were not many spectators on the Spurs' ground on Saturday 13th April 1901, when the Reserves met and defeated Hitchin by four goals to one.
Tottenham and Edmonton Herald Friday 19th April 1901

The Hitchin Football Club have received, through the English Association, the sum of thirteen pounds (inclusive of three pounds paid over for railway fares) from the Fulham Club as compensation for non-fulfillment of the Easter Monday fixture.
The Hitchin Club has been successful in obtaining admission to what was known last season as the London League, the scope of which has now been considerably widened and which, it is expected, will in future be known as the Home Counties League, and will embrace, among others, the undermentioned clubs:
Tottenham Hotspur Reserves, Millwall Reserves, Queen's Park Rangers Reserves, West Ham, Grays United, Chesham Town, Chesham Generals, St Albans, and Luton Reserves.
Hertfordshire Advertiser Saturday 22nd June 1901

At the annual meeting of the Hitchin Football Club, it was stated that Taylor scored 10 out of the 43 goals credited to the team last season.
The financial position of the club is better than last year, and there is every prospect of an interesting season.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 16th August 1901

The visit of the crack Hertfordshire amateurs to Clapton on Saturday [28th September 1901] attracted some fifteen hundred spectators, whose patience was, however, sorely tried by a fifty minutes' wait after the time for kick-off, owing to the visitors having missed their train. When at length a start was made, and Orient kicked off and scored a goal in the first minute from a fine centre of Hills, which Hillsdon converted, all went well; for the visitors, thus put on their mettle, played a grand game, and a hot shot by Newlands was only saved by Ward at the expense of a corner. Another pretty passing run by the visitors, and Taylor equalised twelve minutes from the start. Splendid defence opposed to keen attacks was the feature of the remainder of the half, at the end of which the score stood one all. When the referee stopped the game five minutes before time, owing to darkness, the score stood: Clapton Orient, four goals, Hitchin, three goals.
Clapton Orient: Ward (goal), Chalkley and Gwyn (backs), C.Berry, Haines, and McLelland (half-backs), F.Berry, Hilsdon, Carty, Clancy, an Hills (forwards).
Hitchin: Smith (goal), Pailing and Worbey (backs), Hales, Stimpson, and Shillitoe (half-backs), Anderson, Cannon, Taylor, Newlands, and Bradley (forwards).
Referee: Mr J.Barlow (Chesham)
The Sportsman Wednesday 2nd October 1901

Herts Football Association: CUP-TIE PROTEST
A meeting of the Council of the Herts County Football Association was held at the Bedford Head Hotel, Tottenham Court Road, on Monday evening. Mr E.T.Pearce (Ware) occupied the chair, and there were also present Messrs L.P.Morrison, S.N.Faulkner, and F.J.Sharpe (St Albans), the Rev. R.H.Cattell (Welwyn), Messrs H.J.Wise (Watford), E.E.Thompson (Berkhamsted), W.G.Culpin (Stevenage), G.R.Fordham (Ashwell), and C.H.Bayliss (Hitchin), with Hon Sec (Mr G.W.Simmons).
Walkern wrote protesting against the result of their Junior Cup match with Hitchin Reserves, on the ground that Cannon, who figured in the team, had played regularly for the first eleven. There was, however, no representative from Walkern in attendance, and as the Council had no evidence before them, the protest was dismissed, and the protest fee forfeited. With regard to the same match, Hitchin claimed 18s. from Walkern FC, on the ground that the Walkern pitch was not enclosed and no gate money was taken. Under the rules Walkern were bound to go to Hitchin if they were unable to take a gate. Mr Bayliss said he had correspondence with Walkern before the match on the subject. Walkern wrote to him stating that they made a collection on the ground, and in answer he wrote telling them to observe the rules and pointing out that if Walkern had not an enclosed ground where gate money could be taken they would have to go to Hitchin. He concluded from a subsequent postcard which he received that they had an enclosed ground and a gate would be taken. The Council awarded 9s. to Hitchin, and ordered Walkern to refund the protest fee. Later in the evening a representative from Walkern put in an appearance, and was then acquainted with what had taken place.
Herts Advertiser Saturday 2nd November 1901

Played at Chesham yesterday. The Generals kicked off with a strong wind behind them, and soon made matters worse for the visitors' defence. Before half-time Rance and White had obtained goals for the Generals, while Hitchin had failed to score from a penalty. During the second half the game was fairly even, both ends being visited. The visitors had hard lines in not scoring. White put on one for the Generals, who thus won by three goals to none.
The Sportsman Tuesday 29th April 1902

For the past two seasons, the Hitchin Town Football Club has been worked at a profit, but there is a deficit on previous years' working. To defray this, an open-air concert and dance was held in the Sun Hotel grounds last Wednesday.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 20th June 1902

The annual meeting of the Football Club was held on Monday evening, Mr J.H.Gilbertson presiding. The Secretary, Mr Baylis, gave a satisfactory account of the past season. It had been, he said, a financial success, but the profits had to be used to discharge the liabilities incurred in previous years.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 1st August 1902

Playing at Hitchin on Saturday [20th September 1902] in the South Eastern football competition, Brentford beat Hitchin by two goals to none.
A grandstand has been put up on the west side of the town ground. It will seat about 150 persons, and the cost has been about £70. The money is being raised among the members of the club and their friends, and at present a little over £40 is forthcoming. It is not supposed that there will be any difficulty in obtaining the remainder.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 26th September 1902

On Saturday [4th October 1902] Luton were not long in finding an opening, and Woods scored the first goal. Five minutes later Taylor equalised, and just before the interval Elwig put Luton ahead. Mid-way through the second half Hitchin made the score two all, which was the final result.
The Sportsman Wednesday 8th October 1902

At Hitchin on Saturday 6th December 1902, the home team forced the pace at the start, scored early on, and retained the lead till twenty minutes to the finish, when West Ham, after some pressing, put on a couple of goals in quick succession. With only five minutes to go, Hitchin equalised with a clever goal, and a keen game ended in a draw of two goals each.
The Sportsman Wednesday 10th December 1902

These teams met at Hitchin on 3rd January 1903, and a close and good match ended in favour of the visitors by two goals to one. Finchley had all the better of the opening stages of the game, but there was nothing scored at half-time. After the interval, the game was very even, and half-way through the second half Foster, for Hitchin, scored a good goal. Then Finchley pressed hard, and, giving the home side no rest, added two goals before 'Time' was called.
The Sportsman Thursday 8th January 1903

These old opponents met at Hitchin on Saturday 14th February 1903, and fought one of their usually keen games before a good crowd. Hitchin won by five goals to two.
Referee: Mr F.W.Beardsley (Plumstead).
The Sportsman Wednesday 18th February 1903

The Hitchin Football Club journeyed to Brighton on Wednesday [25th March 1903] and met Brighton and Hove Albion in the South Eastern League, when they were completely over-matched and defeated by 9 to 1. Hitchin A beat Stevenage by four goals to two in the Herts League Competition.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 27th March 1903

The finances of the Hitchin Football Club are better than for several years past. Next season the club have 24 matches in the South Eastern League. Mr Tindall Lucas has been re-elected President.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 31st July 1903

Playing at Hitchin on Saturday [5th September 1903] Hitchin beat Woolwich Polytechnic by two goals to one.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 11th September 1903

Played on Saturday 12th September 1903 on the ground of the first named club, and resulted in a draw. Neither side obtained a goal. Hitchin had much the best of the game, forcing corner after corner but no point was secured. The game was in connection with the S.E.League.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 18th September 1903

Despite the boisterous weather that prevailed on Monday 5th October 1903, fully 2000 spectators witnessed this match at the Manor Ground, Plumstead. Tomlinson scored the only goal in the first half, but changing ends, goals were scored by Pratt (2), Tomlinson, and Bushby. Woolwich Arsenal winning by six goals to love.
Woolwich Arsenal Reserves: Egert (goal), Cross and Dewight (backs), Ranson, Bannister, and Coles (half-backs), Tomlinson, Pratt, Crow, Cotten, and Bushby (forwards).
Hitchin: Cooper (goal), Allan and Barnes (backs), Stimpson, Orban, and Eyles (half-backs), Howard, Cannon, Barker, Bryan, and Furr (forwards).
The Sportsman Thursday 8th October 1903

The last football match of the season of the Town club was played on Wednesday 27th April 1904, Hitchin meeting Grays United in the South Eastern League competition. Hitchin scored three goals and Grays United none.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 29th April 1904

Mr F.W.Stimpson has been chosen captain of the Hitchin Football Club. The accounts show a deficit of £35, which is due to the club's having to gain re-admission to the South Eastern League.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 2nd September 1904

At Watford, in fine weather.
The opening exchanges were fairly even, and then the locals took up the running, but did not score until a minute before half-time, when Badenoch got through from a brilliant run by Turner. In the second half, the Watfordians had slightly the best of matters, and scored again through Torinant. Hitchin failed to respond.
Lancashire Evening Post Saturday 26th November 1904

The new centre forward of the Hitchin Town Football Club is Archie Vickerstaff, who has played for Notts County Reserves and lately for Aylesbury United. He scored the winning goal for Hitchin in the Herts Charity Cup Final. Vickerstaff is a capable cricketer, and has appeared for Notts County Colts. He is bowler for the Bucks County Cricket Club.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 10th March 1905

A.Livingstone, of Brighton and Hove Albion, and G.M.Furr, of Hitchin, were ordered off the field when the clubs met in the South Eastern League, and the former has been suspended for a fortnight and the latter for a month by the Football Association.
Sporting Life Thursday 13th April 1905

An adjourned meeting of the Football Club was held on Monday evening to consider the rather serious financial position. The annual statement of accounts showed a deficit of £81.6s.4d., of which £49 is the adverse balance brought forward from the previous season. The committee had been asked to go carefully into the whole question, and to be prepared with some suggestions as to the best way out of the difficulty. It was arranged to have a fete on the August Bank Holiday, and Mr H.G.Moulden promised to get up a concert in aid of the funds. The local tradesmen, to whom the Club is indebted, have kindly agreed to take 25 per cent off their accounts.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 2nd June 1905

Owing to heavy liabilities the Hitchin Town football club have dispensed with paid players for the present. Mr Harry Williams, who formerly played for Luton, is the hon. sec.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 8th September 1905

A friendly game between Limehouse Town and Hitchin was played at Hitchin on Saturday 9th September 1905. It ended in a win by the visitors by three goals to one.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 15th September 1905

A football match in the South Eastern League competition was played on Wednesday [27th September 1905] between Watford and Hitchin. The former won by one goal to none.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 29th September 1905

Hitchin Town played Kettering in their replayed English Cup Tie on Thursday of last week. Hitchin kept their goal intact until half-time, but lost Williams injured.
In the second half Kettering put on four goals and thus closed the career of Hitchin in this struggle.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 10th November 1905

Hitchin played Arlesey at Hitchin on Saturday in the Biggleswade League Competition, and were defeated by two goals to one.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 15th December 1905

Further Suspension of Furr
The referee of the match Hitchin Town v Leyton reported G.N.Furr of Hitchin for misconduct on the field. Furr, having been suspended in March last for a month, was now suspended until 1st February, the suspension to operate from next Monday.
London Daily News Saturday 16th December 1905

On Saturday Hitchin A and Hitchin Union Jacks met in the Herts league. The Jacks won by five goals to one.
On the same day Hitchin Town played Maidstone at Maidstone in the South Eastern League and were beaten by seven goals to one.
On Tuesday Hitchin played the Luton Reserves in the South Eastern League, the result being Luton Reserves two, Hitchin one.
A sudden death took place in the Football Field on Saturday afternoon. Christopher Norris, a carpenter, 53 years of age, was watching a game between the Union Jack Club and Hitchin A. Just before the end of the match he became faint and said to his son who stood near 'I feel I shall die'. Help was obtained and he was removed to the pavilion but he died either before the pavilion or immediately afterwards. The game was stopped it being then a few minutes to time, on this being made known. The inquest was held on Tuesday morning by Mr Francis Shillitoe, coroner. The medical evidence was to the effect that death was the result of heart disease. A verdict of 'Death by natural causes' was returned.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 29th December 1905

By their grand win over Hitchin on Saturday [7th April 1906] the Hastings Club brings its S.E.L. victories to seven, this being equal to last year's record. A bare win would have been satisfactory, but one by such a margin as 6-0 is eminently so. The good form of the [Hastings] eleven bodes well for the success of the Easter programme.
Hastings & St Leonards Observer Saturday 14th April 1906

The Hitchin Town Football Club made a small profit last season and reduced its debt to £50. Mr Arthur Barker has been elected captain, as Mr Harry Williams (formerly of the Luton Club) has not yet been re-instated as an amateur.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 3rd August 1906

A meeting of the Committee of the Hitchin Town Football Club was held at the Sun Hotel on Tuesday evening, when the Rev.H.Wells presided. Those present were Messrs Lake Walker, Halket, Hardy, and C.H.Bayliss (Secretary). The Hon.Secretary informed the meeting that Mr Julius Bertram, M.P., and the Rev. H.C.Jones, Vicar of Hitchin, had consented to become vice-presidents for the ensuing season.
The full arrangements for the proposed fete to be held on September 12th were presented by the secretary. There will be a grand military tournament. Special features will be introduced in this, including riding and jumping, as well as push-ball on horseback, which event is quite new to this district. Luton Red Cross Silver Prize Band has been engaged, and a guarantee football match for the evening has been arranged with Biggleswade. This team usually draw a good crowd in Hitchin. At the close of the afternoon's sports the prizes will be presented by Mr Julius Berrtram, M.P.
The Secretary reported that he had arranged for a practice match to be played on the ground of the club on Wednesday evening next, when all the local talent who have joinedd the Town club this year will be seen in their colours for the first time.
In the first match against East Ham, it was decided trial should be given to the following members of the Club, viz., Jackson (Nunhead F.C.), goalkeeper; Stagg (Queens Park Rangers), centre-forward; Foster (Blue Cross Brigade), forward; and Males (Welwyn), outside-left. The Secretary reported that before the first home League match, they would probably have one of the best centre-halves from Surrey in the district. It was also stated that Harry Williams has been reinstated as an amateur, and will therefore be available for all matches except the County Cup Competition. It is worth noting that he is one of the few men who have been reinstated on the first application, which he made in May last.
It was decided that the Club should revert to the erstwhile rule that ladies should be admitted free to all matches with the exception of the Cup Competitions.
The Secretary wishes to state that all the season tickets are now on sale at the reduced rate of 5s., and can be obtained of the members of the Committee.
Luton Reporter Friday 24th August 1906

Among the novelties at the Hitchin Football fete next Wednesday, Sep 12th., is push ball on horseback by the Yeomanry - a very laughable and exciting spectacle. Gates open at 2.30 p.m.
Luton Reporter Friday 7th September 1906

In the local football world Biggleswade shares with Luton the distinction of being one of the best draws. About 300 Hitchin supporters witnessed the 'battle of the giants' at Biggleswade on Saturday.
Luton Reporter Friday 12th October 1906

This match, played on the Ivy Road enclosure on Saturday afternoon [24th November 1906] was, as expected, keenly contested. The visitors played their usual uphill game right through, and they were 'game' to the finish. There was a good gate, and the display of both sides was at times entertaining. The Blues won by 5 goals to 2. But it was no discredit to Hitchin to lose. With a team against them consisting of half a dozen such professionals as the home side had, little wonder that the Hertfordshire men were not able to do a great deal. On Saturday Luton's Reserves, to use a metaphor, were somewhere else. With Jackson at back, White and gallacher at half, and Warner, Pickering and Murphy in the forward string, Luton were almost of 'first team' strength. The first half was very even, and both sides had the proverbial 'hard lines'. After 20 minutes play Hitchin opened the scoring. King centred, and Cumberland put on the finishing touch to an effort which Watkins miserably failed in averting. After this the Blues came close to scoring, and hit the post twice, but eventually Murphy equalised, and this was the score at half-time. Resuming, the Reserves were soon after goals, and Hitchin were kept on the defensive for a time. Parsons was not long in putting Luton ahead, Mander, the visitors' goalkeeper, having no chance to save a fast shot. Not long afterwards, from a weak centre by Warner, Pickering put Luton further ahead. Still the visitors were having an occasional 'look-in', and had it not been for Jackson, they might have met with some success, but the home backs, as well as Farr in goal, were impregnable. Once more taking up the attack, Mander was given plenty to do, and failed to clear a shot from Pickering, so that the Blues were leading well. Then Hitchin replied, but towards the close Murphy put on the last goal for Luton. Result: Luton Reserves, 5 goals, Hitchin, 2.
Perhaps the most notable performance was that of Mander, who kept goal for Hitchin. The old Luton boy saved some marvelous shots, and at critical moments kept himself fairly calm and collected. Mander has certainly got the makings of a good goalkeeper, and Luton might have done worse than have kept him as a reserve. Hitchin, however, rquire a better attacking line.The score in the match was a fair indication of the state of play. There was only one weak spot in the home side, and that was Watkins at back; though 'Connie' kicks very well at times, he would seem to funk at the critical time, which is a source of danger to his side. Warner, too, was over-fed on Saturday. The ball was practically always passed to the outside-right man, with the result that all the backs were looking after Warner.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 30th November 1906

Hitchin v Hawks
Played at Hitchin on Saturday [19th January 1907], and won by the Hawks by seven goals to one. The Hawks, owing to the fog, turned up one short, which, however, did not prevent them from securing an easy victory. Neynoe, at back, played a grand game for the Hawks in his ordinary clothes.
The Sportsman Wednesday 23rd January 1907

The old Hitchin player G.C.Payne has again signed for Tottenham Hotspurs for next season.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 24th May 1907

Hitchin played Fulham Reserves at Hitchin on Saturday [2nd November 1907] in the South Eastern League competition, and won by 2 goals to 1.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 8th November 1907

Hitchin Town played Tunbridge Wells Rangers at Hitchin on Saturday [4th January 1908] in the South Eastern League Competition, and were defeated by four goals to one. The referee appointed did not attend, and it is probable that the question of replaying the game will in consequence come before the Football Association.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 10th January 1908

A meeting of the executive of the Biggleswade and District Football League was held at the Swan Hotel on Saturday, under the presidency of Mr Nehemiah Smith. It transpired that although the fines due from the Hitchin Town Club had been considerably reduced, they had not yet been paid. It was decided that if not paid before the end of January to appeal to the Herts FA to enforce payment.
Bedfordshire Times & Independent Friday 24th January 1908

With the Hertfordshire club at the bottom of the League it is not surprising to find only a small attendance at Homerton on Saturday afternoon [1st February 1908], barely 1000 spectators being present. The conditions, except for a strong wind which blew from end to end, were favourable and a capital game was seen, the visitors giving a much better account of themselves than was anticipated. The Orient had the benefit of the wind at the outset, and as a result of good forward play Furr had to be on the alert to keep his goal intact. Shelley, Oliver, and Leigh all sent in shots, but the defence prevailed, and thirty minutes had elapsed when a fast shot by Caldwell found the net. The Orient continued to press, but weak shooting spoiled many efforts, and nothing further was scored until just on half-time, when Shelley finished up a good effort with a capital goal. Although having the assistance of the wind, the visitors could make no headway against the defence on resuming after the interval, and play was carried on in the visitors' half. Shelley and Oliver shot wide, and in a breakaway a free was given against Hales just outside the area, but the Orient soon cleared. For a time Hitchin did better, but they could not score, and thirty minutes from changing over Leigh placed the issue beyond doubt by scoring with a fast shot. The visitors had the better of the subsequent play, but nothing further was scored, the Orient winning by 3 goals to love.
Clapton Orient Reserves: Greenwood (goal); Gates and Stewart (backs); Hales, Shelley, and Howshall (half-backs); Draper, Leigh, Oliver, Hunt, and Caldwell (forwards).
Hitchin Town: Furr (goal); Pike and Saville (backs); Hutchinson, Albon, and Smith (half-backs); Odell, Barker, Keene, Cannon, and Hawes (forwards).
Referee: Mr B.T.Constance
The Sportsman Wednesday 5th February 1908

This game at Hitchin on Saturday [7th March 1908] was remarkable for the fact that three penalties were awarded to the Spurs in the second half, only one of which resulted in a goal. Hughes took two of the kicks, and was successful once, while Watson failed with a third. In the first half Whyman scored while the home team were two short. The visitors had the better of a poor game, and won by 2 goals to 0.
Tottenham & Edmonton Weekly Herald Wednesday 11th March 1908

Once more Luton Reserves brought a brace of points home with them on Saturday night [4th April 1908] having beaten Hitchin at the Hertfordshire town to the tune of 2 goals to 1 in the South Eastern League. The Blues had their usual team out, Hogg being again at the back with Nicholson. Hitchin fully expected to wipe out their defeat earlier in the season, but in this they were greatly disappointed. The visitors opened the attack, and but for the good work of Farr in goal and Barker at the back, the Lutonians must have been a few goals up quite early in the game. Walders skimmed the bar with a well-directed shot, while Eling gave the home custodian a hot drive to negotiate. Then Hitchin broke away, and after Hogg had pulled up King, that player obtained possession again, and centred to French, who beat Jarvis rather easily. The locals had now to do their utmost to keep the Luton forwards out. However, the home side crossed over with the lead. Luton Reserves showed improved form upon resuming, but Hitchin were equal to all that was required of them. Eventually, after some good midfield play, Luton took up the running, and eventually Eling got through and beat Farr with a fine effort. Walders after this gave the home defence a lot of trouble. Just before time was called Benham put Luton ahead, and the visitors maintained the lead to the end.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 10th April 1908

In the South Eastern League competition at Hitchin on Saturday [4th April 1908], Luton Reserves beat Hitchin Town by two goals to one.
Hitchin have at last broken their long list of losses. On Wednesday last they defeated Hastings and St Leonards by 2 goals to 1 in the South Eastern League. King and Barker scored for Hitchin.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 10th April 1908

One of the biggest reserve gates of the season was seen last Friday morning [17th April 1908], at Leyton on the occasion of the visit of Hitchin Town. The visitors were lucky in escaping with such a moderate defeat as 2-0. Leyton were much the better side, but their forwards were weak in shooting. So one-sided was it that Druce and Elkan, the home backs, time after time in the second half went right up and had a 'pop' at Farr.
The Sportsman Tuesday 21st April 1908

Horace Smith, F.Saville, T.Ashwell, J.Chamberlain, and A.Ebden, all of whom have played for Biggleswade, were in the Hitchin team on Saturday [25th April 1908], which was beaten in a South Eastern League game by 3 goals to 0. Chamberlain had the misfortune to again injure his leg.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 1st May 1908

In the South Eastern League competition Norwich City Reserves beat Hitchin Town at Hitchin on Saturday 25th April 1908, by 3 goals to 0. This was the last [home] match of the season - a disastrous season for the Town Club.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 1st May 1908

Although playing several young players, Hastings won this match on the Central ground at Hastings yesterday [29th April 1908] by ten goals to 2. When at home Hitchin won by five to one.
The Sportsman Thursday 30th April 1908

Hitchin's best football player, Frank Cannon, is now a 'pro' for Queen's Park Rangers. He started at the age of 15 to play for Hitchin Town Club and gained many honours during his eight seasons with them. He has represented his county for six years. Cannon, who is 23 years of age, and 5ft 8 and a half inches in height, is a solicitor's clerk at Hitchin. He is a smart and dashing player and a fine shot. He is a tee-totaller and trains earnestly at home.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 2nd October 1908

Owing to the lack of interest taken in its games and the falling off in the subscriptions it has been decided not to continue the Town Football Club this season. Last season the club was very unfortunate in its matches; a little while ago an effort was made to put its affairs on a more satisfactory footing, but this has for the present turned out to be a hopeless undertaking.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 6th November 1908

Hitchin Town Club having disbanded, their four matches are not included in the [Herts League Northern Division] table.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 27th November 1908

It has been decided, at a meeting held at the Sun Hotel on Monday, to revive the Hitchin Football Club.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 14th May 1909

George Furr, a former member of the Hitchin Town Football Club has signed on for Manchester City. Last season he played for Watford as outside-right. The Hitchin Town Club has been revived and will enter the Spartan League and Herts Leagues as well as the Amateur Cup Competition. Mr W.Tindall Lucas has accepted office as President and Mr C.W.Hales is hon.secretary.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 21st May 1909

Early last season Hitchin Football Club had to be abandoned, due chiefly to the lack of support and also to the fact that many of the players joined other clubs. This season the club has been re-organised and will be carried on under entirely new management.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 3rd September 1909

Arrangements made for reviving the Town Football Club have been successful. Nearly fifty players have signed on, and the local financial support is satisfactory. There is every reason, therefore, to look forward to a good season.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 3rd September 1909

At Hitchin on Saturday afternoon [9th October 1909], in a friendly, Luton Reserves won 8-1. This was a terrible beating for Hitchin, when we remember that they used to give our Luton first team a good game. However, the possible explanation may perhaps lie in the fact that the Hertfordshire team were not triers. Luton Reserves certainly were. At half time the visitors were leading 4-0, the goals being obtained by Lashbrooke, Grimster (2), and Schofield. In the second moiety the Luton Reserves scored four more goals, to their opponents' one.
Luton Times & Advertiser Friday 15th October 1909

Hitchin Town played Biggleswade at Hitchin on Saturday in the Biggleswade & District League Competition. Biggleswade won by 5 goals to 1.
Payne, the old Hitchin Town player, and now of the Crystal Palace F.C., is showing exceptional form this season; he has scored 11 Southern League goals for them this season, and on Saturday last at Southampton he again did the hat trick by scoring three goals; the Wednesdayprevious he also scored three against Norwich City. It is rare that a player has scored six goals in two matches and both played in the same week, and such important matches. The Palace now head the Southern League.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 22nd October 1909

This was the return match between these clubs, and it came off at Hitchin on Saturday [13th November 1909]. At the first meeting it will be remembered that Kempston won 8-0, and so as not to be caught napping they took a full strength team for the occasion; in this they were wise for Hitchin were also at full strength and were bent on wiping out that defeat if possible. Kempston eagerly set up an attack and forced the ball into the net, but the goal was disallowed. Pearce was successful in clearing when the home team charged down upon him. After a lot of play in neutral ground Hitchin broke away and scored the first goal, to the great delight of their supporters. This was all the scoring at the interval. Afterwards the Rovers had much more of the game and Brown gained the equalising point. Pearce did remarkably well too in preventing Hitchin scoring again when a goal looked a certainty. Bailey scored the second point for Rovers. Wilson also found the net, but the refereee said it was no goal. The Rovers were now continually bombarding the home goal and Wilson had hard luck when the ball struck the upright and rebounded. Nothing further being scored, the result was a win for the Rovers by 2 goals to 1.
Bedfordshire Mercury Friday 19th November 1909

We understand that Hitchin Town are trying to get Luton Clarence to come to Hitchin to play them in the fourth round of the Amateur Cup.
Luton Reporter Thursday 25th November 1909

The Hitchin Blue Cross Temperance Brigade and the Hitchin Town Club met on Saturday in the Herts League Competition. The game ended in a draw of one goal each.
Herts & Cambs Reporter 26th November 1909

Hitchin Town sent their first eleven to Biggleswade on Saturday [8th January 1910] to play the Greens in the Biggleswade League, but they lost by 2-5. The game was a most one-sided affair. In the opening half the Greens monopolised play, the visitors only now and then getting within range. At the Greens' second run down F.Albon scored with a fine cross shot. A minute later the Greens were back again. Freddy Albon nearly headed another point but Elliott cleared. Chamberlain got possession from this and shot. The leather was going wide, but Childs, who was lying close in, altered its course and the Greens in five minutes were two up. Chamberlain scored a third goal with a lovely shot, which beat the Hitchin goalie all ends up, and at half time the Greens led 3-0. In the second half the home team took matters very easily. Cooper scored the fourth goal by a good piece of individual work. F.Albon claimed the fifth goal with a sharp shot at close range, after Cooper had made another pretty run and centre. With a lead of 5-0 the Greens played dilatory football, and it was solely due to their indifference that Hitchin scored at all. The visitors' first point came from Mouler, and their second indirectly from him.
Bedfordshire Times Friday 14th January 1910

Hitchin played Apsley on Saturday [19th February 1910] at Hitchin in the semi-final of the Herts Senior Cup competition, and won by 3 goals to 1.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 25th February 1910

Hitchin played Newportonians (a London club) in the Spartan League at Hitchin on Saturday [26th February 1910] and won by four goals to one.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 4th March 1910

Hitchin Town and the Hitchin Blue Cross Temperence Brigade played on Saturday [12th March 1910] in the Herts League Competition. The town team won by four goals to two.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 18th March 1910

The dispute between Hitchin and the Herts FA served as an additional attraction to the final tie of the Senior Cup, which was plaayed at Ware on Saturday [19th March 1910], before about 2000 spectators. Hitchin had to face both wind and sun in the first half.They at once attacked, and should have scored twice in the first five minutes. Hoddesdon broke away, and Potkins missed when favourably placed. Play favoured Hitchin, whose forwards gave a surprisingly clever exhibition of the 'three inside' game, with an occasional and unexpected wide sweep by the outside wingers, King excelling as a pivot. After twenty minutes play Wright sent in a fast shot to Elliott, who, apparently standing a couple of feet outside his goal, caught and kicked away. The referee, however, awarded a goal, whereat the Hitchin players made a vigorous protest, but after consultation with the linesmen the goal was allowed to stand. Within seven minutes Hitchin equalised per Denniss, who sent in a terrific shot at forty yards' range. Nothing further was scored up to the interval. In the second half Hitchin had all the play, and the Hoddesdon goal had marvellous escapes from Moules, King, Denniss, Furr, and Waylett. At last Hales swung the ball into the goalmouth, Saxon fumbled, and King dashed in and scored. Result: Hitchin 2 Hoddesdon 1.
Hoddesdon: Saxon; Matthews (captain) and Brittan; Sutton, J.Aylott, and A.Aylott; West, Potkins, Seehy, Wright, and Cluff.
Hitchin: Elliott; Allen (captain) and Scott; Hales, Denniss, and Williams; Waylett, Moules, King, Smith, and Furr.
Referee: Mr Purves (St Albans)
Linesmen: Messrs Payne (Hatfield) and Sowerby (Buntingford)
At the conclusion Sir John Rolleston, M.P. presented the cup and medals.
Sporting Life Tuesday 22nd March 1910

Affairs between the Hertfordshire Football Association and Hitchin have apparently reached a critical stage, for Tuesday's 'Morning Leader' contained the following paragraph:
At a meeting at Hitchin on Saturday evening, called for the purpose of forming a new football association in North Hertfordshire, a resolution pledging clubs interested to form a new association was carried unanimously.
It will be remembered by readers that Hitchin very strongly objected to playing at Ware in the Herts Senior Cup final, but the association remained firm and the game was played as ordered by the association and Hitchin won the cup, but that apparently did not settle the trouble.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 15th April 1910

On Thursday [7th April 1910] Hitchin paid a visit to Baldock in order to play their last match in the above League. A great deal depended on the result, for had they lost, Welwyn would have secured the honours; a draw would have given the honours to Hitchin by reason of superior goal average. However, although not at full strength, Hitchin won comfortably by 3-0, and thus secured the title of divisional champions. In the championship matches Hitchin have been drawn to meet St Albans City at Hitchin, on April 16th, and Ware at Ware on April 23rd.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 15th April 1910

Playing at Hitchin on Saturday, 10th September 1910 in the Spartan League Competition, Tufnell Park beat Hitchin by one goal to none.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 16th September 1910

Two local teams played at Hitchin on Saturday [12th November 1910] in the Herts County League Competition, namely Hitchin Town and the Blue Cross Temperance Brigade. The former won by two goals to none.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 18th November 1910

Hitchin Town met Chesham Generals in the Spartan League competition at Hitchin on Saturday [10th December 1910].
The local team were beaten by four goals to none.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 16th December 1910

Hitchin Town Club played Grammar School Old Boys at Hitchin on Saturday [28th January 1911] in the North Herts Hospital Cup Competition. The game ended in a win for the Town by 5 goals to 1.
On the same day Hitchin Reserves, playing away from home, suffered a severe defeat by Tufnell Park in the Spartan League Competition. Tufnell Park got 13 goals to the Reserves' none.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 3rd February 1911

Hitchin Town played Welwyn at Hitchin on Saturday [4th February 1911] in the Herts County League Competition, and won by 4 goals to 2.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 10th February 1911

Hitchin and St Albans played at Hitchin on Saturday [18th February 1911] in the semi-final of the Herts Senior Competition. The game ended in a draw of three goals each.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 24th February 1911

Hitchin played Baldock in the Herts League competition at Hitchin on Saturday [4th March 1911] and won by three goals to none.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 10th March 1911

Playing away from home on Saturday [8th April 1911] Hitchin Town were beaten by the Newportonians in the Spartan League competition by 3 goals to 2.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 14th April 1911

A rather disappointing game in the County Championship was played on the Town Ground on Saturday afternoon [15th April 1911], between Hitchin and Harpenden. With what was described as a 'village' team, the Town contemplated an easy victory. Alas for expectations! One or two players were late, Howes did not turn up at all, and substitutes had to be found. The teams were: -
Hitchin: Elliott; Sharp and Scott; Dobbs, Ebden, and Smith; Moules, A.King, T.King, Haughton, and Haigh.
Harpenden: J.Sygrove; A.Hawkins and A.Hale; G.Tuffin, O.Warwick, and H.Read; P.Woodfield, G.Brandham, G.Wright, L.Hawkins, and E.Hawkins.
Referee, Mr Morrison.
The play throughout was dull. Moules, T.King, Ebden, Smith, and Scott were Hitchin's outstanding 'stars'. For the visitors, Wright was the best forward on the field, while the halves played a splendid game, and to them should be credited the victory. The visitors certainly indulged in kicking out of play when hard pressed. There was a small chapter of accidents. Dobbs and an opponent endeavoured to head the ball, but instead headed each other. Tuffin, in trying to stop Smith, injured his foot. L.Hawkins got through and would have scored but for Scott's timely interference, as Elliott rushed out of goal. Three corners looked dangerous for the visitors; the second, T.King was just going to head when the goalkeeper's fist shot out and cleared. The third was shot by. A few minutes only had elapsed when Ebden scored with the best shot of the match. T.King got away and passed to Haughton, who back-heeled to Ebden, and from twenty yards' range, he surprised the goalkeeper. A.King endeavoured to increase the lead with the help of Moules, but when attacked placed by. Very neat play by Wright, a burly opponent, enabled the visitors to equalise. Several Hitchin players, including Elliott, stood still, calling 'Offside'. In fact, he touched the ball, but yet let it go into the net, thinking he would claim a free kick for offside!
Interval, Hitchin 1 Haarpenden 1
Harpenden were by far the better team in the second half. They took the lead in about ten minutes. Scott shot across the goal to the right to clear, but Brandham centred, and L.Hawkins scored. Wright would have added another, but Dobbs brought him to earth in the penalty area, for which offence the visitors were awarded a penalty. Wright shot at Elliott, and he saved and cleared quickly. Harpenden rallied, and further increased their lead. Sharp placed a free kick weakly, and L.Hawkins passed to Brandham, who scored with a splendid drive. When it was too late Hitchin woke up. T.King set Moules on the run, and he shot from a difficult angle, but Sygrove just managed to save above his head. Smith decreased the visitors' lead a few minutes before the end, after neat work by A.King and Moules. Thus the game ended in a narrow but well deserved victory for Harpenden. Harpenden now have to meet Waltham Comrades at home in the final.
Luton Reporter Thursday 20th April 1911

Annual Meeting 27th May 1911
Hitchin Town retired as per rule, and did not make application for re-election.
Sporting Life Friday 2nd June 1911

...........and so, a pause until 1928...................................
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by anthony.brown »

I have added several more newspaper clips to this thread.

Also, I've discovered the school house colours of some of our pioneers.
William Tindall Lucas, The Headmasters House, Harrow: Pink & White.
John Pardoe, Mr Rendall's House, Harrow: Magenta & Silver.
R.D.Elphinstone, Grove House, Harrow: Amber & Black.
Players would have sported their school colours in matches (on their caps, etc) before 'uniform shirts' were worn towards the end of the 1860s.
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by RST »

Great stuff Anthony :thumbsup:
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by anthony.brown »

We have now discovered where Hitchin Club's second ground was situated. The Hitchin Cricket Club ground used from 1869-1872 was between Lister Avenue and Coach Drive, off the London Road, in an area known as the Manor Estate when the old cricket ground was developed in 1925.
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by Stuart »

:clap: Brilliant Anthony, I think we should rename you as our very own " Hercule Poirot".
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

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Two important matches are down for decision in the Biggleswade Senior League tomorrow. Huntingdon will be at home to Kempston Rovers, and at Hitchin the Blue Cross Brigade will entertain Arlesey. The latter club, after a bad season last year, appear like being a hot side. A number of former players have returned to their old love, including Tommy King, who now skippers Arlesey, and was formerly with Hitchin Town. In the match at Hitchin, King will have several of his old chums opposed to him, for quite a list are now with the Brigade. It is of interest to note that the Hitchin Town Club, which was recently disbanded, was the third oldest Association Club in England.
Bedfordshire Times & Independent Friday 29th September 1911

Harold Furr, the old Hitchin player, who was last season with Brentford, has signed for Leicester Fosse.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 28th June 1912

Mr Charles Horton Baylis, the Hitchin relieving officer, has applied for a commission in the Army. The Board of Guardians on Tuesday considered an application by him to be granted the difference between his salary and the Army pay. The Board referred the application to the Finance Committee, intimating that they did not wish Mr Baylis to be the loser.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 2nd July 1915

'Luky' Smith, who in its South Eastern League days successfully captained the Hitchin Town Football Club, has been wounded in the fighting in France.
Luky is now known as Lance Corporal W.J.Smith, Footballers' Battalion, Middlesex Regiment.
In a letter home he says: -
I was wounded in the leg about one o'clock on Thursday morning, and it is a pretty bad one, as a piece of shrapnel went through my leg just above the ankle, and I have about a dozen smaller pieces just below the knee. The grenade wounded four of us, and it was a mystery that we were not all killed. I suppose I shall be in England about Saturday or Sunday. We have had a rare 'tuck in' with the Germans. It was the Kaiser's birthday, so we blew up a mine as a present for him.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 11th February 1916

Sapper E.Sharp, R.E., of 3, Balmoral Road, Brampton Park, Hitchin, is in hospital at Bakewell, Derbyshire, recovering from a wound in the left foot; he was hit by the nose-cap of a six-inch shell at Arras in the early part of April.
Sharp will be remembered as one of Hitchin's smartest and sturdiest footballers, having played for Hitchin Town, Hitchin Blue Cross, Hitchin Union Jack and Hitchin St Saviours. His last [football] medal was won in France with the 222nd Field Company, R.E., of which the famous Billy Minter, of Tottenham Hotspurs, was the captain. Morris and Weir, of Tottenham, also figured in the team. The team were the champions of the 33rd Division and were presented with their honours by General Renny of the Division.
Hertford Mercury and Reformer Saturday 2nd June 1917

[E.Sharp, Driver, Royal Engineers. He joined in 1916, and in the same year proceeded overseas. He was engaged in his unit on important transport duties to the front lines in many sectors of the Western Front, including those of the Somme, Arras, and Cambrai. he was de-mobilised in 1919, and holds the General Service and Victory Medals.
From the National Roll of Honour]

Mr Francis Shillitoe, Coroner for the Hitchin Division for over 40 years, died at Hitchin yesterday, aged 77
Western Evening Herald Wednesday 19th March 1924
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by anthony.brown »

Sad that we can't mark the establishment of the Club with a plaque, as the National School room where the first meeting was held was demolished about 50 years ago. Perhaps a wall in the Churchgate or new market area, near the site of the National School, would be suitable?
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by anthony.brown »


At a well attended meeting of the Football Club on Wednesday evening, it was unanimously decided to play next season [1898/9] as a professional club.
Herts & Cambs Reporter Friday 22nd April 1898

Hitchin is the latest of Hertfordshire clubs to embrace professionalism, but lack of support and poor funds handicap them greatly. On Saturday, there were not more than a hundred spectators present, and professionalism with such lack of encouragement is well nigh impossible.
Herts Advertiser Saturday 24th September 1898

Owing to heavy liabilities the Hitchin Town Football Club have dispensed with paid players for the present.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 8th September 1905

The chief items of expenditure were the travelling and hotel expenses, £129. The sum of £24 was paid in guarantees, while the professional wages and expenses were £21 only. Mr [Charles Horton] Baylis acknowledged that he was the introducer of professionalism to the club, but at that time it was sadly needed to save the club from obscurity. They now only wanted a successful season to wipe off the debt standing against the club.
Annual Meeting Financial Statement
Luton Reporter Friday 27th July 1906

The annual meeting of the Football Club was held on the evening of 4th July 1907, Mr J.H.Gilbertson presiding. It was reported that the expenditure during the year was £260; the sum due to the treasurer is £4 and the loss on the season's working £11.14s. The total liabilities of the club are now about £60.
Mr William Tindall Lucas was re-elected president and nearly all the other officers we re-appointed. Mr Baylis would not consent to continue in the post of secretary, and it was left to the Committee to elect his successor.
Biggleswade Chronicle Friday 12th July 1907

Early last season, Hitchin Football Club had to be abandoned, due chiefly to the lack of support and also to the fact that many of the players joined other clubs. This season the club has been re-organised and will be carried on under entirely new management.
Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 3rd September 1909
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Re: Hitchin F.C: An Auspicious Beginning

Post by alarawany »

hope the team be successful
Graduated from Soran University with First Class Degree with Honours in Computer Science
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